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Test thread and problem reporting

You have the same issue as Clare she cant use this feature in chrome so it must be a chrome error I thought it had been addressed but I will pass it on to admin to see if we have a v bulletin update for chrome I am assuming that is what your using right???
I have cracked it, if i post a image to this thread i have to get it hosted, the quick reply options dead BUT when i use any other thread the option is available in QUICK REPLY IMAGE ICON.
I dont understand it though as Chrome is built on the firefox engine but slightly stripped down to be a so called faster browser so obviously they have removed some scripting somewhere. but if you post a lot of images the quick reply mode is a hell of a lot faster (obviously hence the name quick reply) maybe you should install firefox and try it out unless that is the only error you are getting at least until the bugs for chrome have been fixed
I just use the clip option for ever old habit i suppose, but when i tried to reply in this thread i couldn't?
Received the same 'like' three times via notification today, i had replied to all three?

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