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Symmetrical clothing edit HELP


New Member
Hi all

Iv been working with photoshop for a few years now but still get stuck every now and again. This time am really stuck

I have to edit a jacket (jacket A) to make it look symmetrical vertically (jacket B) and no I cant use the one that's already been edited as its to small for the job.


The only way I can think of make image A look like image B is if i cut it up (body and sleeves) Transform > Warp and try and clone/heal it so you cant tell its been edited. The problem i am having is when i do that it looks to warped and not good at all. Is there any other way of doing this?

Any help would be great.

I'm not quite sure I understand what you're trying to do but as you said in layers and sections is probably the best route. Or you could possibly downsize the jacket that needs to match the other, in certain areas
I took it as arms need to be tidied up a few pins on puppet warp and few adjustments then it will be done.
This doesn't make sense, whats the purpose of changing it?
Thanks for the help chrisdesign.

A lot of clothing sites want the clothing to look spot on, to the point where all the images are symmetrical. It sounds strange but go out a buy a magazine and I bet 90% of the images used in it are photoshopped to make them more attractive. The same goes for anything online.
Sorry i don't agree, i just googled womens coats look at this - i removed prices they all look natural and different to one another?
And that's how that website edits and uploads there images, each one is different. But with this some customers expect a certain level when looking at the clothing. I have added some examples below. On a another point saying you shouldn't do this is down to personal preference but it dose make them look more uniform when viewed online.
tee jackets.jpg
Apart from the confusion caused by saying you A to be symmetrical vertically to B, when you actually wanted A to have it's own line of vertical symmetry. Why not do the easy thing and create a symmetrical template and use it as a clipping mask, as this way, you will be able to get other coats to be in exactly the same position instead of guessing.

