I was a little taken aback that SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) uses private sector PC distributed processing to cull the data taken from radio telescopes. You can "loan" your computer's free cycles at http://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu/.
But what this means is that if we do make contact, extra-terrestrial life will have access to our PCs' Internet connection, and that means email. As Albert Einstein might've said in this century, "There are three constants in the universe--the speed of light, bureaucratic stupidity, and SPAM.
Here's what I anticipate by 2010.
We are not alone, except at 3am on the downtown IRT,
But what this means is that if we do make contact, extra-terrestrial life will have access to our PCs' Internet connection, and that means email. As Albert Einstein might've said in this century, "There are three constants in the universe--the speed of light, bureaucratic stupidity, and SPAM.
Here's what I anticipate by 2010.
We are not alone, except at 3am on the downtown IRT,