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Suggestions about a web design


New Member
Hello guys.
Im designing a new website for a metal band and i want suggestions. do you like it? have anything more to suggest? Do you think i have add too much glow?
Im also thinking of making the border to glow a little, do you think is a good idea?


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Since nobody touched this.. Taste and design ethic is so very personal, I would probably never ask someone to review something I did unless I was in a class in art school. For me, I am the final critic. If someone does not understand or appreciate my vision, so be it.

... 'having said; If I were expecting money and in a very active environment, then I would probably follow the trends to make sure I am somewhat current - at least to the point of what my customers expect. I made clothing for the surf trade .. we went straight from Neon to Black. You could not sell Neon at sale prices. It would have been foolish to try. In the old days in the ad agency business we would subscribe to Communication Arts and foreign magazines to find 'inspiration'. I always liked finding something that already looked good to me, and then stretching the concept. Good luck.


PS .. if it is metal: where is the metal besides the name.
good ps, they haven't give me more material yet to finish the site.
Thanks for the post, you are right, becuase im new to web design i fell insecure and i like asking others their oppinion but i too believe more in me. if something feels great to me then i will not change it and i think most of the others will find it great, if not i have to change my job :)
i agree with
PS .. if it is metal: where is the metal besides the name.
perhaps try to incorporate the theme a little but its a good over all job

i think the background cloud would look good stretched further into the page and the smoke behind the "Stainless Still" would look nice if u used some real smoke instead,

It looks like on the text you have applied a few blending options bevel and texture "Nothing wrong with them" but there are other ways to texture your text if you so desire. I plan on making a tutorial in the near future and if its ok with you ill make it using your name as the Theme? let me know if That's not to your liking.

Tutorial's Theme is Texturing.
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If your new to webdesign than ask for critique there is nothing wrong with that even if you are a pro..

I'm with Ultiman on this one, take them clouds and make them bigger and more full and blend them out gradually of course. I like the design so far tho, it's simple and not over done which everyone can be guilty of at one point or another. So just keep it simple and add as you go unless they are wanting a really busy site full of graphics...

i wish i could follow what i just wrote but i can't, i always keep going and going and sometimes wind up with a whole new design with maybe one element left that is original from when i started LOL
i agree with perhaps try to incorporate the theme a little but its a good over all job

i think the background cloud would look good stretched further into the page and the smoke behind the "Stainless Still" would look nice if u used some real smoke instead,

It looks like on the text you have applied a few blending options bevel and texture "Nothing wrong with them" but there are other ways to texture your text if you so desire. I plan on making a tutorial in the near future and if its ok with you ill make it using your name as the Theme? let me know if That's not to your liking.

Tutorial's Theme is Texturing.

I want money from you to use my name :D :D (im kidding)
Of course i dont have any problem, use it if you like. please post here when its ready i would like to look at it.

Once i did this with my nickname :)
Thanx for the suggestions, in the beggining i was using more clouds but the navigation bar was lower that its current position and we dcided to use less in order the header to be smaller, maybe is a good idea the could to be more and to exist in the back of the header and the news div. in that way the header size will be the same


  • logo2.jpg
    16.8 KB · Views: 2
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I reckon a textured background would add a nice touch to it.
I think the background could be slightly duller, and put an outside glow on the text to make it pop out a bit more. For example:-
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you are right, becuase im new to web design i fell insecure and i like asking others their oppinion but i too believe more in me. if something feels great to me then i will not change
My comment is that I like the way you put the Render Cloud in the background (if that is what it looks like to me) It sets a nice mood for the metal theme.
It is a good start. Maybe put instruments on the page. Such as a guitar in the background to match the metal band theme. Drum set might be fine too. Play around with it.
For me I never like a dark web site but that is just a personal thing. What format are you using for the web site HTML or PHP as being a band site you would need to have it more interactive and easy for the band to add stuff on the fly
A website can be created in many ways and formats.... Many newbie might not have the budget to afford designing their own website and meet up the demands, for them free website design templates are good option to choose...
Well Steve if you ask me I think that will be the first and last time she will grace us with her presence, she has come and done what she was waiting to do :rolleyes:
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