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Retired Forum Moderator
Hey Guys

Before I show, just to give some background to the ASN-121, it's the droid seen in the beginning of Star Wars Episode II, It's a modified courier droid that belonged to the ill fated assassin Zam Wesell.

This was the concept I worked from:

this was a render made after 3 and 1/2 hours of modelling in max

please critique with whatever thoughts you have, I'm not looking for anyone knowledgeable on 3dsmax or modelling here, just a person who knows how to point out good bits, and bits for improvement think of this purely from an artistic point of view.

I'm also eager to hear your suggestions on colour schemes, I'm going to do the original paint scheme seen in the movie, but what other paint schemes should I do? it seems a waste to just do one colour scheme and leave it at that.

also tempted to add a cityscape to it, thoughts?



P.S, there are cutout bits on the concept piece showing the internals of the droid, hence why they aren't there on the model.
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I demand equal time for STAR TREK from you.... and be prepared as I strip down every bolt, blemish and detail on her ships you'ld create...... lol.

Tho I like SW as well, I'm not that familiar with her ships. So far, your model looks spot on despite the lack of nuances and details.

As for color scheme, sky's the limit. You can present her as off-the-Malkite production line or a weathered look as seen in the movie. If you were to post this in an SW 3D modelling forum, no harm to present it as you envision, but the purists will expect no less than the original look.

If you'd go for an assassin camo scheme, come up with an alienish grunge texture and not one used on earth.

An alien cityscape background would look good.... maybe like hovering or zipping through the scenery as it stalks it's prey..... or incorporate it into an imaginary or existing SW scene with a jedi or prey poised to protect himself from it's attack.....
I'm not really much of a trekkie to be honest, I tried getting into The Next Generation and enterprise, but I dunno, They just didn't catch me, call me an idiot if you will, I haven't seen the latest JJ abrams movies, but I've heard good things.

I forgot to add the middle stabilator, damn! oh well XD

the smaller things I didn't want to add into the geometry itself, while it's not going into a game, I had a feeling if I added the ridges to the winglets via geometry, they'd distort the model, not only that, it's also ridiculously time consuming XD so I've textured them in instead.

I like the idea of alien grunge and a stealth assassin camo scheme, what about black and orange to represent the Malkite poisoners themselves?

anyway here's where I'm at so far.


do excuse the slight distortions and hard edging on the winglets here and there, I UV'd and then turbosmoothed so I had to crease it and play around with it until it looked presentable.
Looks like a plastic washing up bottle stuck to a phone cord, lightnings ok sort of slightly off but you are new to it i suppose.
Oh goody, this again... I really dont see how you got a washing up bottle from that, I followed the concept.
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Could you tell me where to download the gear mate, must give this a run out looks awesome i have so many ideas bubbling in my head now i am back, so much to thin of while driving in the outback.
A link would be smashing bro.
Lets keep it on-topic.

" ............critique ........................... point out good bits, and bits for improvement think of this purely from an artistic point of view. ........
................ suggestions on colour schemes, I'm going to do the original paint scheme seen in the movie, but what other paint schemes should I do? .................
.......................... add a cityscape to it, thoughts? ....."
Could you tell me where to download the gear mate, must give this a run out looks awesome i have so many ideas bubbling in my head now i am back, so much to thin of while driving in the outback.
A link would be smashing bro.
do you have £1000 - £2000 spare? that's how much the non student license of 3ds max costs (you have to prove you are a student to get it for free)
Zbrush is slightly less expensive at £600 but it's a lot more cumbersome and limited than max.

but I agree with steve, lets keep it on topic, if you are genuinely curious and want to know more, start a new thread OR PM me, I can give you more information on 3dsmax there.
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Money is no issue i can assure you of that fact, as for on topic you are asking for good points only in your opening gambit?
Colours maybe orange with burned bits?
As Steve said, I actually said good and bits for improvement.

AKA perhaps add a little more scratching, or maybe adding it to a bacdrop would improve its artistic value.

NOT it looks like a washing up bottle.
number 1) it doesnt to me, and number 2) that stab isnt relevant to my work as I didnt do the concept!

If you've got the money, go buy it then then tell me how simple you think it is.
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Never said it was simple, simple comes from users (not that you are simple you understand) just making a point:wink:

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