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Some artwork I did

Fire is always in motion and is characteristic for its repeating flowing forms. Fire is quite difficult to paint.

Your image is a very good effort in the right direction, though I think your forms are still somewhat stiff.
Improve by learning with tutorials, if you want to paint your own fire. http://www.digitalartsonline.co.uk/tutorials/photoshop/paint-with-fire/

If you choose an existing fire image, you should work a lot with the warp tool and the liquefy tool.
Photoshop CC2014 has a Fire filter. It renders to a vector shape. Filter/Render/Flame
Yes Fire is always tough to paint I guess, I will show you a version of the lady fire I did, its was better than this

This looks better. Good job on the flames. Did you drag in a stock image of flames and edited it to suit the hand?

Your results on the human figure reminds me of a how to fire tutorial by a certain South American graphic artist. Name escapes me at the moment......
Looks like well in fact it is the fiery angel by Misha on Fotolia, a royalty free under a credit agreement image.
I don't think even the text was created as 'text' in PS either....its very dirty around the edges suggesting it's also come from another image.

Just my 2 cents.

@Zain Khan.... which is why I said - I remember seeing the image somewhere or as part of a tutorial some time back but didn't bother to check further for it.

As I know you're new here and most probably with photoshop forums, I would just like to remind you that if you've used stock images in your compositions, you MUST give credit to the owner or mention the source of your stock images.

It is strictly a NO-NO everywhere to simply claim a composition mix of images as your own. The same is also said regarding the use of images pulled from the net as a lot of them may be subject to copyright by the owner or seller of the images like in this case, both by the creator/vendor and Fotolia stock image site.

There are those here who after years of doing PS work , browsing the net for art or good at tracking images who will eventually find out.......

Please keep the above points in mind.......
The Male artwork was from a tutorial and that angel one was after practising it around 10 - 15 times lol :D

Anyone can see that you used the fotolia image Paul mentioned, though you added some flames on her hands.


  • FotoliaComp_57440081_ySvtFgr4lrUGJmaej4YSI9zpUeuFVRQK.jpg
    102.9 KB · Views: 17
This artwork I guess I did purchased it, and made the male version for a client I do not remember so sorry if It was an offence. But If I remember I did purchased it.
Zain, I don't think your understanding what is being said. Just for future reference and clarification, this is not about whether or not you purchased the image.

When I read your post #4.......
Zain Khan said:
Yes Fire is always tough to paint I guess, I will show you a version of the lady fire I did, its was better than this
then your post #7.......
Zain Khan said:
...that angel one was after practising it around 10 - 15 times lol
My understanding was that you created the entire image and not just added the fire to the existing image that you purchased. It's what was implied by you that has raised the questions.

This can be a communication problem. In the future, be sure and clarify what part of the image you have changed, altered, or added so that there are no misunderstandings.

For example: "This is an image of a fire Angel that I purchased from Fotolia. I added some fire effects to her hands. What do you guys think?"

No harm here. Just be careful in the future! :thumbsup:
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