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Sluggish Response Time in PSG


Anybody else having trouble with the PSG website? For about a month now, I often experience very sluggish response. Opening the website can sometimes take upwards of one minute. Once I'm in, it's often very slow navigating among the forums and threads. I'd say this happens about 50% of the time; for the other 50%, the website works normally. It's random in terms of time of day. For example, I'm experiencing it right now in this session. I don't have any other internet issues with other websites, so I don't think it's me.
Yes. Two things.............the server is a little sluggish the past two days...........not sure what's going on there. Checking into that.

Second, the forum has been under some kind of search attack out of China on a regular basis.

This started around Feb 18-19, 2024. We received this contact message.

Screen Shot 2024-04-13 at PM.png

This is a screen shot from one of the attacks. They are just overloading the forums bandwidth by tying up resources with search inquires. This seems to drastically slow down the forums response times. They usually last for about 20 mins or so, sometimes less.

Screen Shot 2024-03-28 at 9.08.30 PM.png
Yeah, these threats for ransom morons are a pain...........but you can't give in to them.
This seems to be getting worse. I can assure everyone that we are working on a solution!!!!
Update: Be patient everyone. We are updating the forums software and addressing the slow down issue!

The forums software has been updated so if you notice any strange behaviors, please let me know. Part if not most of our performance issue may be due to our current aging server. Please bare with us for a while longer while the forum is moved to a new server with better hardware. This may take a few days!

The process of moving the forum to its new server is currently underway. This takes a little time in order to be done properly. Thanks for your ongoing patience.
