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Skin retouching with frequency separation


Some before and after pictures of me re-touching photos using frequency separation. I'm still learning Photoshop but I think these look pretty good.

What do you guys think? Comments and/or suggestions would be appreciated :)

Before: nDKj13R.jpg After: 1LGXzgi.jpg

Before: LzoIBH0.jpg After: ryahcNZ.jpg
Frequency separation is a popular method as you know. We have a couple of members here that are very good at this. I don't do very many re-touches myself but have worked with it some just to learn about it. I will refrain from discussing it and let the experts voice their comments. I'm sure you will get some good info and opinions.
Hello and welcome.

Frequency separation is very difficult to learn. It takes time, practice, and experience to be proficient at it. Most beginners get similar results as you have with over processed after images. A great rule to follow is that LESS is MORE. Your first image looks fairly decent although too much detail has been removed from the skin that it looks blurry and unnatural, but it's a pretty good job.

I'm going to pass on any comments addressing the second after image. Sorry.

Practice, Patience, and Perseverance.............then practice some more!
"Practice, Patience, and Perseverance.............then practice some more!"
When it comes to Photoshop, no truer words were ever spoken. I personally joined this forum about 2 years ago thinking I knew something about PS. I soon learned I didn't know anything. Success came with it due to the 3-P's. It has become part of my income now and I think goodness for all the help received here. Hang in there and don't take criticism personally,
lol trust me, I'm under no illusion that I know much about PS. I've only been using PS for about a month now. I'm here to learn :) These images I used different levels of blurring on the skin color. The first image was much less blurred than the second image. So less blur is better for this technique I'm guessing.
Yes, less blur. You have to leave some of the skins character intact in order for it to look real. The important part before any of the smoothing techniques is in cleaning up the blemishes. Learn the healing tools and the clone tool, these will do the brunt of the work.
Okay I'm going to try to use the healing and clone tools for the blemishes first, then work on skin smoothing to a lesser degree than the originals. I'll post some new ones on here after I've tried them :)
Are the healing / clone tools used on the color layer after you've split color and texture, or are they used on the original image before you split it into multiple layers?
Here's what I do. Duplicate your original and then turn off the original. Create a new layer above the original and work from this layer only. You have to set your tools to 'sample all layers' and on the clone tool 'sample current layer and below'.

When you clean up the blemishes and blend the splotchy areas. Then I would stamp all visible layers and then you can use whatever smoothing method you desire.
Haven't tried a retouch in a while so thought I would try this one. Here is my attempt using your original.
I did not spend a huge amount of time on this. I just wanted a nice subtle change, leaving the character of her facial features intact.

I could spend more time on this but you can see what I mean by less is more.

Screen Shot 2014-10-19 at 1.32.50 AM.png

I recognise myself in Larrys earlier post (regarding 3p's) and consider myself in "guru training" at the moment.

So what method do you use to battle this?

To this point what I'm using is a copy of the original with turned down opacity placed as top layer.

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Wow that is nice work IamSam. Which method did you use to smooth the skin? I've been using a Gaussian Blur on the color layer. I'm going to work this image from the original again today with much less blur and post the results here to see if I can get this down.
Wow that is nice work IamSam. Which method did you use to smooth the skin? I've been using a Gaussian Blur on the color layer. I'm going to work this image from the original again today with much less blur and post the results here to see if I can get this down.

Almost 90% of the smoothing was done with the Clone Stamp Tool, the Healing Tools, and the Brush Tool. In the end I did use a variation of the Frequency Separation technique. Here is a video that describes the technique.....close enough anyway.

Remember.........It's about subtlety.......less is more.

Tried it again. Used Sam's video technique to keep the skin texture. I also used Image/Adjustment/Shadows and Highlights to bring out some detail as well as a curves adjustment. The image had too much yellow to suit me. Sam did a beautiful job!
retouch nDKj13R copy.jpg
Thanks Chris, I was looking for your thread. I was having a hard time tracking it down!
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