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Site, Need help


Well, I have a site 'design' as it were, I was wondering how to use Imageready to make a better looking site, something about the slice tool, If anyone has any tuts, thanks in advance.

Welll, here it is, still trying to fix the wallpaper tiling problem, if anyone could help, thanks :)


(you should be redirected)

Note that I know almost NO html, and this took me half an hour to design, please bear that in mind :)
knowing html is handy, but you can do quite well without it. with WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors like dreamweaver is making a nice site not that hard.

main priority of a site is it should be one, not all stand alone parts. That's your site right now: you have a (very nice) logo on the left, and content on the right. That's about it. You should try to link both parts with a layout, I'm sure you can create a layout. using imageready is very useful, since you can adjust image quality (=size) perfect. I'm sorry I can't help you with the slice tool, have no experience with it.

good luck :righton:
Yeah, what L said. You can have a look at
http://www.pegaweb.com/tutorials/web-page-backgrounds/web-page-backgrounds.htm for ideas on how to do tiling for background images. Many sites describe using the Shear distortion filter and clone stamping.

As for ImageReady and slicing, it's actually a very powerful tool which can automate a nitty-gritty part of the site design process to a large extent - however, some manual reworking will be needed. So you cannot really get away from HTML if you want to do a website properly I reckon. There's always a tweak here and there.
You can also look at a tutorial here for some tips on using the tool:
and also:

You can try out some free HTML editing software - I think I used 1stPage at one point and it wasn't too bad - if you don't have anything like DreamWeaver/MS FrontPage. Look around or maybe someone will post the name of something they've used that's shareware or something of the like.
I truely would'nt choose for MS Frontpage, the program isn't as bad many people always claim. The point is, Frontpage uses a lot af 'bad' html, which is for example only usefull in MS internet explorer. But it's really important that everyone, so also netscape, opera and other browser users see the same site.
the simplest code is:

<body background="yourbackground.gif">
here your page code

this tiles automatically. To have a background that doesn't tile, you need CSS or so.

as for seamless tiling images, there has been a topic in the Inside track forum here at PSG (rather at the beginning). Gare (Gary Bouton fro the bestseller Inside Photoshop) explains very well how to create them.

I'd love to add that is you use a jpg, blur it a bit as that decreases the filesize exponentially. Should you prefer a gif, recucing the colours brings down filesize.

And generally speaking, a very useful trick to get rid of the repeating pattern (mostly because of contrast in the pattern) is to use the highpass filter in PS. Should you find that it makes things too light, just use some levels of curves.

Highpass is a gem for this as it works like Gaussian Blur but opposite: GB blurs details and keeps large areas, and HP keeps edges but blurs large areas.

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