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[Request] logo help for fundraiser


Hello everyone. I was hoping someone here could help me. Let me start out by saying I do not know anything about photoshop. My son just had a heart transplant last month and a homebrew club I am in is doing a fundraiser for him. One of our members drew up a logo for us we all set down and wanted to make some changes and tried to make them on photoshop but none of us really know what we are doing. We want it to be "cleaner" then the drawing and make a couple small changes so we can print the logo on tee shirts. I hate to join up here just to ask for free help but I am now in a time crunch and need this done in a day or two and was hoping someone here would be willing to help me out. If it's not ok to ask for help like this just let me know and I will not pursue the issue any farther. If anyone is interested I will put up the image and let you know what changes we would like make. Would also like to see what ideas others might have to make it better also.


Here is the original drawing. We wanted to keep just the heart/hop and wings. Add a actual heart shaped shadow into the red portion of the heart/hop, clean up all the pencil lines to get more solid colors that would look good printed, put a solid black background behind the image and add fundraiser name on it.
originalcolton_logo0001 (1).jpg

Here is what we could do on our own.


Any help appreciated
The wings are great the top portion of the heart is also great but I need it to fade into a hop cone not just green. I also want to get rid of the circle and the barley leaving only the heart fading into a hop cone with the wings on the black background. Hate to be pickey especially when it looks so great so quickley
Stufflol I like the wings you used the best and like that the lines are clean and crisp. However the photo is small and I can not enlarge it without it getting blurry.
Manda I like how the hop portion does not have bleed over of red I though i would like the red fading down into the hop cone but after seeing it not so much. I also like the Font you used.
Ibclare I like how the hop portion has a more natural look but even though I asked for it to fade down into the heart I think it would look better if the hop portion looked like it was growing up over the heart.

Would be great if we could combine the tree into one. Also if there are any ideas I am open to them i'am not the most creative person out there.

I really appreciate the time everyone has put into this so far!
Here's my other try To get you closer to your vision.closest wings I could find that you liked.
Hi Ian. I redid the heart. The problem with having the hops cone grow up over the heart is that the inner glow and the red color make it appear to have more dimension (I could make it totally flat I suppose). Also the hops seeds don't grow up so it's a fanciful delineation as to the cutoff between the cone and the heart. Still, I think it looks better than my first submission.

To be honest, I would prefer a recreation of the original drawing.
Just photo shopped a bit, Remember this is for a fundraiser not a tattoo...
I would go with the original personally... but here is my go at it.
View attachment 18203
