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Quick saving images in sequence in CS6?


Hi there! Not a Photoshop newb per se, but not very experienced either.

I've been having fun making stop motion animations with Photoshop by editing images piece by piece (like cutting out and eye, replace it with another eye, moving a foot a bit, add a kangaroo etc), saving the images image by image and then compiling it to a gif or video later on.

Anyways, the process is a bit slow, as the saving takes up unnecessary amounts of time - I always have to click save, and then write the name of the new file to be saved. What I want is for me to be able to specify a save folder and then have the images I save there automatically save in sequence. So the first image I save is saved as, for instance - image01. Then the next image02. And so on. I've just gotten a Wacom tablet with express buttons, and would love to assign an express button to a command like this.

That way I could make these changes to the images and then save it fast (preferably by just clicking a button combo).

But I have no idea how to set this up! Anyone got any ideas or tips on how I can achieve this? :) Are there script commands I can use for this? I've been using scripts before, but I'm kind of green on how to make them from scratch.

Any help on the subject would be much appreciated! Thank you.
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Welcome to the forum.

One way to do this is to create each of your images on different layers in the same document. Then Simply go to "File / Export / Export Layers to Files". In this dialogue select the folder you want the files to go - choose the file format and click on Run. Photoshop will then create all the layers in your document as different files with sequential numbers.


Ooooh, great solutions by both of you! I'll try out both methods and see which works best for me. Awesome. Thanks a lot, guys! :)
The last one saves each separate layer, and only that layer, as an image though. I need an additive sequence of sorts. So layer 1 saved for itself, then layer 1 and 2, then layer 1,2 and 3, then layer 1-3 and 4 etc.

But anyway, I should be able to figure something out by digging around, thanks. :)
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Just noticed you are using CS6 - it is possible that Export layers to files was brought in post CS6 - if you find that option isn't available to you then you should have the option "File / Scripts / Export Layers to Files" - which is what sc00t was mentioning (I think).


Yep, I found it under "scripts". It doesn't really do what I'm after though, but you've set me on the right track, I think, so should be able to figure it out somehow! Thanks. :)
For future reference, this script will do the job.

#target photoshop  app.bringToFront();  
function main(){  
if(!documents.length) return;  
//amend to suit  
var folderPath = Folder("/c/folderName");  
if(!folderPath.exists) {  
    alert("Output folder does not exist!");  
//this should be the first part of the filename   
//I.E. if file name = Picture0001.tif it needs to be Picture  
//N.B. it must be the same case!  
var fileName  = "filename";  
var fileType = "tif";  
var fileList = new Array();  
var newNumber=0;  
var saveFile='';  
fileList = folderPath.getFiles((fileName + "*." + fileType));  
if(fileList.length == 0){  
saveFile=File(folderPath + "/" + fileName + "0001." +fileType);  
newNumber  = Number(fileList[0].toString().replace(/\....$/,'').match(/\d+$/)) +1;  
saveFile=File(folderPath + "/" + fileName + zeroPad(newNumber, 4) + "." +fileType);  
function zeroPad(n, s) {   
   n = n.toString();   
   while (n.length < s)  n = '0' + n;   
   return n;   
function SaveTIFF(saveFile){  
tiffSaveOptions = new TiffSaveOptions();   
tiffSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;   
tiffSaveOptions.alphaChannels = true;   
tiffSaveOptions.layers = true;  
tiffSaveOptions.imageCompression = TIFFEncoding.TIFFLZW;   
activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, tiffSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);   

Found here;

Now, if only there was a way to keyboard shortcut a script!
For future reference, this script will do the job.

#target photoshop  app.bringToFront();  
function main(){  
if(!documents.length) return;  
//amend to suit  
var folderPath = Folder("/c/folderName");  
if(!folderPath.exists) {  
    alert("Output folder does not exist!");  
//this should be the first part of the filename   
//I.E. if file name = Picture0001.tif it needs to be Picture  
//N.B. it must be the same case!  
var fileName  = "filename";  
var fileType = "tif";  
var fileList = new Array();  
var newNumber=0;  
var saveFile='';  
fileList = folderPath.getFiles((fileName + "*." + fileType));  
if(fileList.length == 0){  
saveFile=File(folderPath + "/" + fileName + "0001." +fileType);  
newNumber  = Number(fileList[0].toString().replace(/\....$/,'').match(/\d+$/)) +1;  
saveFile=File(folderPath + "/" + fileName + zeroPad(newNumber, 4) + "." +fileType);  
function zeroPad(n, s) {   
   n = n.toString();   
   while (n.length < s)  n = '0' + n;   
   return n;   
function SaveTIFF(saveFile){  
tiffSaveOptions = new TiffSaveOptions();   
tiffSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;   
tiffSaveOptions.alphaChannels = true;   
tiffSaveOptions.layers = true;  
tiffSaveOptions.imageCompression = TIFFEncoding.TIFFLZW;   
activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, tiffSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);   

Found here;

Now, if only there was a way to keyboard shortcut a script!

Wouldn't that be just great.
Not sure if this will do what you want, although it is for PSCC2014 should work for CS6

Thanks! But you can't actually browse and find the script in CS6 using this method. I've read several places now that you can't assign keyboard shortcuts to scripts in CS6. The thing is, I just need to assign an express key on the Wacom tablet to the script, so I'll try that later when I get the time. :)

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