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I read on the Adobe forum that there are problems with KPT3 and PS7 in Win2K and XP.
Does anyone here still use this psychodeliric collection of Kai's Krausities?
I don't use Kai that often and I only have 5 & 6 and Goo then again I don't have Win2K or XP for that matter either

so try to answer your question I can't really but I did try he he he he

I have KPT 3 and WinXP... but not PS7, yet.

What exactly are they saying goes wrong when you try and use those filters?
SFM: Just choose custom install on your KPT5 CDRom and you'll see that KPT comes for free with it. Don't forget the uograde to 5.1!!!!!. You can also (I think) browse the CD and find the KPT3 folder. If not: custom install allows you to install only the 3. They have the most far out psychedeliric interfaces I ever saw. And they work great in PS6.1 and Win2K too.

Mark: The problem seems to be that PS7 freezes with them. Remember that 5 had to be upgraded to 5.1? Probably the same reason. Furthermore, on the Adobe PS/IR forum they write that Corel now promotes their new, home made-but -not-a-must-have KPTs and won't do anything to updat 3 anymore. Typically Corel. So one person said that it'd be best to keep a copy of PS6 on your system to be able to use all the plugins et all. The prob with KPT3 is on XP and 2K, so it must be an NTFS incompatibility. Don't suppose Adobe will start re-coding for this one.:(

There's lot of info on the forum over there. Dan Margulis tried to come with arguments against PS7, mostly color management that's now on by default. But the reaction was logical: it's about time that people start realising that color management is there and that it's important. It is no argument to say that most beginners and careless users now have to click one more time to accept the profile or not and may get confused. Imo, they are right there. I always use color management and it isn't that complicated if you take the time to read a bit on it. (So expect questions on the forum soon.)

I haven't got 7 either, but I decided for an upgrade because I would be willing to pay $149 for a plugin that offered me the browser, the new brush palette (like painter) new blending modes, multiple image printing and last but not least this healing brush. (take a look at te movies on the adobe site)

Still, there'll be some learning curve. Also read that the options bars have changed drastically...
thanks Erik I will have a look for the CD - we are currently changing the office to make room for the constant stock that keeps arriving and going so things are a bit of a mess here at the mo
Ok got it Erik. And thanks for the extra info.

However... i don't use the NTFS formatting on my system. That's a LOT more hassle than it's worth, and has been shown to be incompatible with more than one program. I'm using Fat32.
The numbers show that using NTFS only gets you about 3-5% more speed/functionality. And that's not near enough for me to switch. Plus... NTFS in not interchangable with Fat32 files.

I don't really know a whole lot about that stuff... but what i've learned has made me stick with the Fat system. In fact, if i remember correctly... even MS themselves suggest the majority of users stay with the Fat system. NTFS is suited for a specific type of user, of which graphics artists i don't think qualify.

Perhaps there won't be any issues with WinXP using Fat32, and KPT compatibility with PS7?? Have to wait and see i guess. ;)
I did't know that FAT32 was still possible with XP...

The reason I use NTFS is because I have a dual boot system.
I separated the Internet with all its protection-software from the working apps. I now have Win98SE for the Internet on one partition. It uses FAT32 and has all the necessary protections like a good virus scanner, a firewall and a spyware catcher. These apps use a lot of system's resources because they run in the background, so Win98SE, being not too stable, is only used for this and functions perfectly. It doesn't have to work.
Win2K, on another partition (not installed like MS suggests, but really independant) is running in NTFS. It can read all FAT32 from the other partition so I can easily transfer from one to another. It needs no protective apps, so its system's resources are clean and it serves for work (and play). I have not one app that doesn't run perfectly under it, even those small freeware fractal thingies I love so much (Tierazon, Dreamer, Flarium,...).

Another advantage is that if ever a virus should invade my system, it can only affect the FAT32 partition as Win98 isn't capable of reading NTFS. In the worst of cases, I can uninstall Win98 without touching my apps. OK, theoretically there is a possibility of a Bootsector virus, but with a good updated scanner (Panda) and the BIOS virusprotection on, this can be forgotten.

But indeed, I suppose it's a NT problem here, NT together with PS7 coding. I hope it'll work out fine. And for me I hope that I can install 7 at the side of 6. In fact: there should be a smal app that allows you to apply filters so you don't have to make PS even slower than it already is...
Well, i think the best thing to do here then would be to go to the source of each variable in your specific equation, and gleen any and all info they have pertaining to your situation. Between the various company sites, you should be able to find out for sure if you'll have a problem, and if so, what can be done/not done about it.

You said:
  • "And for me I hope that I can install 7 at the side of 6."[/list:u]
    If you mean -- can you install both PS6 & 7 on the same system, yes, you can. But you can't have more than one version of PS running at a time.
Just come back from the Adobe forum:

There is a work around for the problem with KPT3 and PS7: use Ctrl-S from the keyboard and save to either BMP or TIF format.
That should do the job.

I have already seen an installed version of PS7: the brushes palette is impressing and seems to be quite handy. The tools palette has 3D greyish icons that change to colour when you mouse over, and there is a tools preferences palette.
Some tools are grouped like rectangle, ellips etc to make place for the healing brush. The type tool has more options. Liquify found its real home: it is a filter, isn't it?

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