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Problem with making PDF

The problem is overlapping shapes.

Those two 'grey' rectangles are in fact 6 (SIX) duplicates stacked on top of each other.

As mentioned, you can move those duplicates and if you were to arrange them so none overlap then the file will save as normal.

There isn't enough room to do this for both rectangles so deleting the FIVE duplicates of each shape would be the thing to do....there is no need for those duplicates anyway....I'm guessing this is operator error.

I guess you cannot have overlapping shapes when saving to a PDF.

Ah Welcome back MrTom :thumbsup:

Just shows what a fresh pair of eyes can do

Just tested it and looks like MrTom is correct, I just created one shape and duplicated it six times and merged the shapes, created a PDF and no shape showing, but if I don't merge the shapes it works fine event stacked and if I move the shapes around they show up.
So looks like to OP merged the shapes.

If only the OP had mentioned that earlier :bustagut:

Cheers MrTom
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I had considered stacked shapes, but quickly dismissed the idea because it made no sense as to why the OP would have done such a thing!

Great catch MrToM!

Clearly 6 shape layers stacked on each other.
Screen Shot 2017-02-07 at 1.06.28 PM.png

I've now been experimenting with how the OP accomplished this without knowing.
...I've now been experimenting with how the OP accomplished this without knowing...

My guess is...
They created just the one rectangle shape. (Which would also leave it selected)
Hit CTRL + C thinking it would copy the layer.
Hit CTRL + V 5 times thinking it would paste a new layer. (But instead pasting the shape...)
They didn't see any difference so stopped.
They then found the right way to duplicate a layer. (Hence the 'copy' in the layer name.)

This would result in a total of 6 shapes on each shape layer.

The 'opacity' doesn't accumulate with each shape copy as you would expect as it's the layer itself that is affected by the 'opacity' setting, not each individual shape.

Copying and pasting the shape wouldn't be something you could see so if you didn't know that's what you were doing then its an easy mistake to make.

Adobe don't make it easy when it comes to vectors.

Sorry, I became busy with other problems and stopped working on this one.

That would more than likely be the case MrToM. Thanks so much for clearing up the situation. I for one have grown accustomed to you being around to help with matters such as this and have missed you in your absence.
No worries.

Lets hope the OP sees what the problem is and avoids it in the future.

