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Preserving brush results with color dodge mode on transparent canvas?

you could merge them just by putting "my result" over @IamSam result and setting my result blend mode to screen and probably reducing opacity, that would probably look almost like original.
Hi NoName

Pretty cool techniques per revnart and IamSam

Here is yet another approach that may or may not meet your need.

I took your star field and totally removed the space background. This left just the stars on a black background (not transparent). This allows easy addition to most images where you are using a star pattern by using a blend mode such as Lighten (others work as well depending on your need)

To create the star field:
Adding to your PSD file duplicate the Star BG and place on top of the stack and set blend mode to subtract. I saved this PSD file

Then on any desired image, just add this PSD file as and embedded smart object and set the blend to Lighten.

The top Layer in the PSD is the embedded object. You can double click on it to open it up and see the details of the Layers on creating the star field

I did exactly this in revnart's example and duplicated the background (to show side by side) and with revnarts version on the left and my version on the right.

Just one more example to consider

John Wheeler

Image followed by PSD


