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Postcard Theme Challenge: the Winter Celebration You Observe

You're right chitkaran. I didn't close the thread. I'm going to ask Mark to judge it now. I've just been so busy, though it crossed my mind once, it went straight out the other side! :rolleyes:
Happy New Year everyone!

Wow we've had a pretty decent turnout here i like it!
Everyone's put some really nice effort into their designs. Your efforts are much appreciated.

Thank you! :)

And now, with the aid of my 2 sick little helpers, we've come to a final judging on the 1st 2nd & 3rd place winners.

1st place goes to: IamSam with his wonderful winter photo manipulation - http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum...celebration-you-observe-christmascard_lrg.jpg

2nd place goes to: Jessicayla for her cute and humorous "Pest Christmas". http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum...winter-celebration-you-observe-pestwishes.png

3rd place goes to: Remote-Medic for the wonderful montage. Nice idea using ribbon for the tree. http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum...e-winter-celebration-you-observe-01-small.png

Congratulations to everyone that entered. Nice work all round. I can't wait to enter the next one myself! :D

Best wishes for the New Year everyone!
Wow! This is a surprise as well as an honor, thanks Mark and helpers!
Mark, Thank you so much for coming by and being our first Celebrity Judge!!!

Great Choices!

Congratulations everybody with a special congrats to IamSam, Jessicayla & her Ratsy, and the Beast!

(except you didn't pick me . . . :bustagut: ) (oh right, challenge starters aren't eligible to win! o/w . . . right? XD)

SAM! it's your choice. Are you cool with doing a Valentine's Day Challenge or do you have a holiday you prefer? It just needs to be around February 14th.
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Clare, I'm cool with coming up with a Valentine's Day challenge! You just let me know when would be a good start date and a deadline.

Thanks Mike!
Congrats Sam and well done fella. Lovely work Guys and thanks too to The Keeper. Looking forward to the next challenge. Haven't been on much as have been busy trying to get things off the ground for the New Year.

Nice One Guys and of Course Girls :thumbsup: :cool2:
Man, guess I was having an IamSam moment when I called you Sam Mike! :bustagut:

About 10 days before would be good, so February 4th-ish.

Thanks everyone for your participation and for helping to liven up the holidays!

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