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Specific Please correct skin behind right lens.


Active Member
Please make the skin and eye behind the right lens have similar tones to those behind the left one

It's a portrait. The glasses' lenses have filters. For that reason, the colors of the skin and eye behind the right lens look quite different from those behind the right one. Can you please edit the colors of both things behind the right lens so that they end up having similar tones to the skin and eye behind the left one?

I printed the picture and the right eye just looks weird; gives the person a deranged-psycho vibe. That's why I need your help. Thank you in advance!


..and yet another interpretation.
A hopefully helpful suggestion. This photo was taken using a 'very wide angle lens' / field of view (5mm on a 1/2.3" sensor) I can be done successfully, of course but usually that requires a dramatic viewpoint. In the future to get a similar head shot I would suggest standing back a bit and zooming in.

Faux PIP_4a.jpg
and with a little 1x1 crop
I'm curious...is this a passport photo?

Faux PIP_4a_1x1.jpg
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@ex_teacher, it was a selfie but with a camera. Should it have been macro then?
In this case, when you use a wide angle lens, to fill the frame you would have to be very close to the subject. Here the camera is at roughly eye level but since the lens is so close it sees the chin as significant;;y down and the shoulders as even more so (and further away, thus smaller)

Instead you should zoom in (telephoto not macro). You will only get part of the face so you need to place the camera much further from the subject (you:) The way to do that is to place the camera on a very steady place at roughly eye height, pre-compose your shot and use the 10sec self timer on your Canon a1200. Crop later . You don't need to zoom all the way in but personally I tend to use a focal length equivalent to your camera when all the way zoomed in. The further you get away from the subject the less of an angle between top of head and chest.

FWIW in techie speak; Your camera has a zoom range of 5mm to 20mm. You shot this pic at 5mm which is the wide end. This 5-20mm zoom is roughly equivalent to a 28 to 112mm zoom lens on a 35mm camera. Most/many head shots tend to be shot with something like 70 mm to 110mm and very often somewhere in the middle in the 90mm range. Your camera covers that whole moderate tele range with ease.
