Help! I'm relatively new to Photoshop but mostly know what I'm doing...however, I'm trying to open a PSD file that someone else created, and everything is pixelated or blurry in it. Photos are really low res/pixelated. When the person who created the file is working in it, it does not look like this, but when she sends me the file and I open it, everything is pixelated or blurry, including the text. I am able to get the text to look OK by changing the Image Size (under "Image") to 300 from 72. But the photos are still REALLY blurry (if I look at the original JPEGs for these images, they are sharp as can be). What could be causing this, and could I have something set differently in my Photoshop than she does? If I export this file as a Photoshop PDF, it has the same pixelization....looks the same
What could be causing the photos to be so blurry when I open or use this file?