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Re: New Version of Photoshop: Photoshop CC - New Features

Saw a interesting cost analysis on CC....your cost over 15 years will leave you screaming robbery.

I respectfully disagree, MikeMc.

Please let me explain.

Retail versions of Photoshop were $500 (actually CS6 Extended retail was $699, but let's work with $500, math is easier!)

Currently, just for Photoshop and Lightroom, adobe is charging $9.99 per month. Don't compare it to the full version of the cloud because that offers way more apps that were not included in the retail version of Photoshop.

So in a year, at $9.99, that would be $120, and in 10 years that would be $1,200. (I know you said 15, but let's work in 10 years, again, math is easier). In the last 10 years adobe came out with 6 versions of Photoshop. (CS in 2003 to CS6 in 2012, and we wont include CC in 2013). So if you upgraded every time a new version came out, you would pay the original $500 plus an upgrade fee for each version. That's at least $1500 for all the versions.

Now might be thinking, well yeah, but I wouldn't upgrade every version...and if that's what you're thinking then that would probably be more expensive! In CS6, you could only upgrade from CS5, so if you had CS4 or earlier you had to pay the full price! So your pre-CS5 version and CS6 alone could cost you $1,200 alone!

Now $1,200 about the same as 10 years for the cloud, but without the added benefit of having the cloud services such as Behance, Cloud storage, Lightroom, and upgrades as soon as they come out! So for the same $1,200 you can get 2 versions (no updates) or all versions. Not to mention, it is easier for most to pay $9 a month than $500 upfront.

Also, if you use Photoshop professionally this should not even be an issue! This is the tool of the trade. You can make $1,200 from one client (or make it 5 clients if you want) and that would cover Photoshop for 10 years! Also professionals rarely work in old versions of PS, at worst, one or two behind.

If you are a hobbyist, then I think it's still not expensive, you can find one small client a year and pay for it, you only need $120 for the whole year!

Also, I'm sure most of us spend more than $120 on hobbies per year! I personally pay $40 a month for a rock climbing gym membership! and I only use it twice a week (that's $480 a year), and it has no potential of making me any money at all! It's just a hobby of mine.

I hope you understand my point!

Jesus from PTC
