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Photoshop guru's official tutorials?

im really liking it sorry i cant add much input at the moment work is real busy but so far so good :P
Working on a couple more then we'll have a vote :)

So for the Uploading video, it's not as simple as having the YouTube login, you dont want to give that out.

What you do want to think about though is doing it this way:

First creat an intro, (and if you like an outtro) there is one already

Then creat a download section on PSG web site and upload the intros on there.
Add files like
Intro MP4
Intro MOV
Intro WMV
(Different video files make it better for every one)

Then you need to make a DropBox account at Dropbox - Home - Online backup, file sync and sharing made easy.

Once you have that then you need to get other people to do the same as well, but instead of me telling you step by step, I have found a video on how to do it

This is not my video, but this will let you know how to do what you are wanting to do, there are some parts that wil not be good for this site, but still have a look :)
Cool vid KRF, that sounds about perfect actually.... although if we had a few people directly uploading to youtube I would not mind.

DU, did you ever finish that one you were working on with better audio?

I got busy with other projects and didn't get to rendering out any more intros.... tisk tsik... I'll see if I can do some this weekend.
Cool vid KRF, that sounds about perfect actually.... although if we had a few people directly uploading to youtube I would not mind.

DU, did you ever finish that one you were working on with better audio?

I got busy with other projects and didn't get to rendering out any more intros.... tisk tsik... I'll see if I can do some this weekend.

The problem comes with people uploading to YouTube directly, is if someone got miffed at PSG, and had the YouTube login info, they could delete all videos in a matter of seconds, this would then lead to haing no videos.

Then the problem comes if them videos had a lot of trafic and they went, them links would would get a lot of question asking where the videos are, and then they would have to be uploaded again to meet the needs of the user, thus taking time to re post them.

What you could do is, only let staff directly upload to YouTube, and for others use the idea I posted, this way you have a level of trust, as the staff if the permisions are set like this can delete all threads and post on the forum, so you must trust them some what.
any news on when/if this is going to happen, and if so how is it going to happen?
Hi guys !

Just stumbled in on this thread an think it's an exciting thing your working on there.

Actually, I'm planning on making a "come back" at Photoshop Gurus now that I've seen what you've done with the place and that's an awsome piece of work all togheter.
A very big Thank You So Very Much for that ! :)

At the moment I'm heavily occupied with producing the first of a three part Photoshop training title and it's scheduled to launch in early January 2011, so I'll be busy with that one until mid December - or something...

I think I could be able to contribute with video tutorials since making video based online classes is part of my business - but there may be a few "issues" I'd like to bring to your attention.

First off - I'm not English speaking, meaning English is not my first language and it will reflect in the videos, of course.

Next - I have my own company and brand. Not that I will boost it heavily in tutorials ment for PG, but you might think it is conflicting with the intention of creating a PG Official Tutorials section.

As well as having my own brand, I also have a music theme I'm using and a template for the flvs's (mp4) I'm rendering out from Camtasia.
I'm recording at 1024 x 768 pxl and render out to 800 x 600 pxl at 15 fps, tweeked to give me a nice filesize of around 1 MB per minute of video.

Now the "come back" I was mentioning in the beginning here is planned to be done with posting a number of tutorials in the Photoshop Tutorial Videos section of this forum and I'm currently recording them as I get the time to do them. They will discuss a variety of topics and some of them are inspired from questions put in different sections of this forum - old ones as well as more recent ones.

So there's video tutorials coming - one way or the other - but I just wanted to tell you about this right now, if you think there might be some way i can be of assistance to you in this project you are working on.

If not, I will still - however - post video tutorials in the proper section of this forum.

However this may turn out, I whish you good luck with the project and hope to hear more from you about it.

--- DKJ ---
This is still happening, just a bit slow because I have been extremely busy with many other projects.
KRF - we will do something similar to the process in the vid you posted.
JgraphNet - Great to know you are coming back. I'll try to address each of your questions, let me know if I miss anything.

1. It's ok that English is not your native language. As long as the tutorials are clear and the viewer can understand what to do, I think it is not an issue.

2. As for promoting your own brand... be careful about it. The main goal of these videos will be to promote PhotoshopGurus and help users of our community. if we can see that is the main focus then it's ok to mention who you are. We just don't want these to be blatant adverts for other websites.

3. Your own music is ok, just make sure it is easy to hear you when you are talking.... for example make the music very quite or turn it off when you speak.

4. As for resolution I think we will need to come up with a standard. I think 800x600 is a bit small, but I guess it depends on if you are zooming the camera or not. If it's possible to render your videos at full size I think that will be better, because youtube will create a scaled down version anyway.

Any other questions let us know. Thanks everyone for contributing to this idea.
Thank you for your reply, Gaussian !
I fully understand the situation at hand since I'm up to my ears with projects myself. No worries :)

As for #2 - my own brand - I will certainly not use the video tut's for advertising site or services. My brand is the same as my username and I use that to present myself and to copyright the videos. That's it. Advertising site and services I can do at apropriate places.

As for #4 - resolution - I use a 24" monitor, so recording at full screen will produce an enormous video. Both in dimensions and filesize. But if we can come up with some kind of agreement on a standard I can use that specific resolution for tutorials made exclusively for Photoshop Gurus. No problem.

As for the generals of this discussion I will PM you with a link to a short tutorial planned to be posted here when I get my shi.... uhm .. stuff together, for you to make an opinion from.

--- DKJ ---
