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Photoshop Challenge Week #4

wowza Senior, is there a way to click double like! Don't try and get me to buy a ticket for that flight by the way.
:) ... i don't think it's a good idea...i imagine myself in that...several hours in roller coaster...many of bags would be needed, very many :D
:) ... i don't think it's a good idea...i imagine myself in that...several hours in roller coaster...many of bags would be needed, very many :D

That is funny and reminds me of a time (and I put cherry trees in my picture). Oh yes, once upon a time there was a little girl who had a wild cherry tree growing in the empty lot next door. She couldn't help herself and kept eating and eating them. Her girlfriend's daddy took her along to the fair that night and they had so much fun. Until ... they got on the tilt-a-whirl. And do you know what happened then? Well, the moral to tis story is, if you're going to gorge on cherries, stay away from tilt-a-whirls and planes that flap their wings!

You better give that grumpy fairy a ride on your enigmatic flying machine.
No, it's good as it is. Anyway that would not make sence (just opinion). It is in front and You allready have background outfocussed.

P.S. I start to have problem to make my thought clear.
No, it's good as it is. Anyway that would not make sence (just opinion). It is in front and You allready have background outfocussed.

P.S. I start to have problem to make my thought clear.

I understand you perfectly. :cool2: Now for one more before I leave Hans Christian Anderson behind. (brothers Grimm for Hansel & Gretel)


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No nose dives SeniorS. You live on the edge!

Sir M, you know of course, I didn't make the tree. A Hansel & Gretel screen capture, but at least it's not throwing apples.
OK come on Max how did you warp the ball square, do tell mate.
I cut to much out of it afterwards lol
For some reason my fill pixels feature will not open?
Of course mate, there you go, based on this tutorial, Making Square Fruit
Looks more difficult than it really is, really cool effect.

Very cool transformation. Thanks as always for the tutorial link!

Here's my stab at it (squared up the lines with selection>clear):


  • SquaredBody.jpg
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  • SquaredBody_2.jpg
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