Five Stars on
I've been writing books on Photoshop since 1994 and version 2.5, and many of you already know me, but, hey, it's the Holidays, I've got a book out on version 7, and Stu told me it was okay to shill it on this thread
So far, we've got fourteen reviews and five stars on for the book, a personal first, so my wife (and co-author) and I feel it's definitely worth your while to check this title out.
"Inside Adobe Photoshop 7" is both an expansion and departure from my previous books. It was impossible to write the whole thing by myself, so I asked some industry leaders and friends to help me out. We also structured the book to work on a "hub system". The "core" is a reference section (new to our book) and it expands into select fields such as "Photoshop for the Photographer", "Photoshop for the Web designer", and it's pretty darned comprehensive (it ought to be at over 1,000 pages!).
Here's a link for buying it:
If you pick it up over the typically slow Holidays (okay, I'm really shilling here), I think you'll have as much fun reading it as we did writing it.
Marry Christmas and Happy Hanukah to one and All,