Hi Clare -
First, I brought the image into ACR (CS6) and used the main color sliders to deal with the cyan cast (most visible in the foreground concrete). I can't remember, but I may also have slightly moved the cyan hue slider in the HSL adjustment tab in ACR.
Also, while in ACR, I used both the main tonality adjustments and the blue/cyan luminosity controls to try to slightly pull down some of the brightest areas.
I then took your image into PS, masked for the sky (and similarly colored areas) and applied Neat Image to smooth out the film grain (most visible in the sky).
Next came sharpening. I did this in two light passes. First, with "Focus Magic". I had the blendIF sliders set to prevent oversharpening of the very lightest and very darkest tones. Then I did another light focusing pass using "Topaz InFocus" (again using the same blendIF slider settings). I then applied a black layer mask and painted in white where I wanted the focusing to be maximum.
The final step was to reduce your image 700pixels in the long dimension using bicubic (normal) to avoid the artifacts introduced by PSG's uploading software.
With respect to my comment about film flatness, that's just a guess on my part, but I don't see any other way the tower could be OOF and other, similarly distant items could be in focus. The problem could occur either in the film gate of the camera, or at the time of scanning. I can't tell.