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Pasting Illustrator paths with layers into PhotoShop


Pasting Illustrator paths with layers into PhotoShop

-is it possible?
Does anybody know about a plug-in or something?

(I know how to work around it I think, but it would save some time if there was a "magic trick")

Hiya Erik, welcome to the show.

In Illustrator 10 (probably in 9 too) in the Clipboard prefs tick the 'Preserve Paths' option.

This allows you to Copy & Paste directly into Photoshop. Just select 'Paste as Path' at the prompt.

Good question!

[confused] But what about paths on separate layers R.A.? I think that this is the question that erikals is seeking an answer to! To be able to export the individual layers with their corresponding paths into PS. And, quite frankly, me too! If there's a way, I'd love to know about it, too! ;)

The only "getting around it" that I've found (thus far) is to open a new document for each layer, in AI and then export (one by each) to PS and paste them all into a new layered file. [confused]

It works... but if there's a better way, I'd like to know! :D
Ah! That's different isn't it?

OK! I tried it and the only way I can see to do it is:

Copy and paste the whole assembly of paths into Photoshop.
Save workpath 1 and rename.
Deselect the lot.
Select all except the paths you want to be in group 1.

EDIT > CUT these paths followed by EDIT > PASTE.
Save workpath 2 and rename.
Deselect again.

Repeat this process to split the original path group into individual paths.

This is the best I can come up with, but it beats transferring individual layers.

Best thing to do is complete all the vector manipulation in Illustrator, and only transfer to Photoshop for compositing and rendering.

What you are really asking for is Adobe Photillishop with the full feature set of both applications combined..... and I don't think your gonna get it. ;)

Rantin' Al: What you are really asking for is Adobe Photillishop with the full feature set of both applications combined..... and I don't think your gonna get it.

:D :bustagut:

[doh] I was afraid of that response!
Thanks Rantin Al & Wbiss.

R.A. Yupp, that's what I've been doing :)

I'm waiting for the day PhotoShop and Illustrator will merge.
Gotta wait a while I guess ;)

Well, one day...

Thanks guys,
