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paper texture without plugin?


Active Member
Do you know how to get a paper texture (like in a book or newspaper, not just plain white) without a plugin like Xenofex?

I played around with the "note paper" / "water paper" filters and layer styles, but it just does not look right.

Are there any textures I could import?

Thanks again for your great help! :)
I just scan news paper itself Cyberdao.Then you import it to PS and crop,copy some areas and paste it all together :)

What kind of paper do you mean? There are all kinds of paper.
Show me an example and I'll show you how it's done, because to be honest; you don't need plugins or scans.
Thanks for your replies and the tip with scanning!

I scanned a texture (left) and tried to recreate it using the film grain filter.

Looks ok for me.
Yep, there's a lot of 'native' filters in PS that can produce paper (and other) textures. Just have to learn through trial'n'error which ones. ;)

Try giving your 'film grain' texture some randomness to it, by applying the "Spatter" filter with the settings max'ed out. If that's too strong an effect, use the "FADE" function under the EDIT menu to reduce the effect.
And if you want a bit of 'subtle' bump highlighting, as seen in your scanned example, just dupe your texture layer and apply the Emboss filter (FILTER>STylize>Emboss) to it with an amount setting of 100% and height of 2. Light direction is your choice.
Set this layer to Hardlight and reduce the Opacity to around 50%. Or where ever your eye says looks right to you.
That's a great way to create a stucco wall texture too. Or any type of 'textured' wall texture.

TIP: When using the Clouds filter, and a few of the other PS native filters to create textures, you'll find that if you create your textures using a document size of equal proportions, your pattern will tile seamlessly (98% of the time). The only sizes that this works with are very specific:


See the pattern? ;)

Try it!
Ah ok I thought you wanted printed paper like news paper with text and b and w photos on it etc :) ...got it now.

Stu's idea can still be very useful as most people make mistakes as on the colour of paper. You can scan, and then make a paperstructure yourself, and combine both.

Good tips, Your Transparancy. As we expect from you, o Keeper of the Flame.
Sorry, but all these are the colours of bad quality woodpulp papers of some fifty/one hundred years old. The real colour of paper is much closer to say 248/248/235 and the colour differences would me more a question of bump than of really different colour.
OK, yes: there are coloured papers too, and then there is verg? ( aka Ingres, with visible lines) and even hand made paper with flowers in it.
But these are the exceptions, not the rules.
Great tips/techniques guys! :righton: Enjoyed and learned from them all! :)
