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pakmn revenge

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Making myself bullet proof he he :bustagut: :bustagut:

But seriously I though the Canadian flag should fly for a while as we are fast approaching Armistice Day. And the Remember Beirut thread got me thinking about all of those who have sacrificed for freedom.

So the Flag will fly until after Nov. 11th.

But please don't stop the fun on my account, here I am - do your worst.
:bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut:
the return of Mister Blinkey!!

wendy ... am still chuckling .. however nothing will stop the "Blinkey" clones in thier quest for knowledge :) .....
Help is on the way everyone - the Blinky Clones have been infiltrated - it won't be long now :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut:
blinkey strikes again!!

well gauss while you're still laughing ....
:bustagut: :bustagut: This is just too, too funny! I'm splitting my sides here, people!

namvet, brilliant work there with my "old" avatar and Gauss'! :righton: My pumpkin had to be retired after you and Pakmn got through with it. Good one Pakmn ;) - I deserved that!

Gauss, I would have thought that Rick was getting "nervous" too... but he's just handed over his regular avatar. Now is that an offer anyone can refuse? :D

Okay Rick, now that you've infiltrated one of the Blinkey clones...do your stuff man! :bustagut:

Who's next... we desperately need to rid ourselves of these Blinkey pests!
ha ha ha brilliant oh that was a good laugh keep it goin......... :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut:
:bustagut: :bustagut: Trust me, Blinkey, I'm going to take care of you later this day, haha :bustagut:

Well done Namvet, smooth animation :righton:
blinkey fixes a tRICKy problem!!

wbiss ... thanks ... gauss .. glad you liked ... did someone mention rick .....
:bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut: Now that's teaching Rick a lesson! :bustagut: I shan't try to "infiltrate" Blinkey...

Well done namvet! :righton:

Be afraid... be very afraid, though 8[
Amazing what I can do in 20 minutes when the kids leave me alone. This one will prolly be my last.

la la la...
:bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut: Great revenge Stroker! Cool animation! ;)
:bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut:

I LOVE the boomerang Gauss! :righton: :righton:
cartoonists on this thread

ha ha ha ha:bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut: too funny

Animation keeps getting cooler and cooler as the barbs keep coming
Oh guys I really have to get some work done! This is killing me! Ok can't drink Mt Dew by the computer anymore....water is much easier to clean up! Great stuff everyone!:bustagut: :bustagut:
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