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pakmn revenge

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8[ The guru forces are gathering... and I think that Senor Blinkey's latest clone has handed in his resignation to "Blinkey International"! :bustagut:
Hey Blinkey I just sent you a new message :bustagut:

....I just came out of the bathroom :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut: :bustagut:
Hey Blinkey I just sent you a new message
Gauss, I hope that you remembered to flush! :bustagut:
and put the seat down!
;) Right girls?
yes Wendy yes seat down ........... how many times have I fallen in the loo at night! [upset] ha ha ha
Hee Hee Hee! Sue! :bustagut: You were reading my mind while I was gathering my thoughts.... ;)
argh no Wendy this happens to me all the time! [saywhat] really!
I wonder around in the dark at night to the loo and next thing I know I'm really in the loo ha ha ha it's a sudden wake up call I can tell you! ha ha ha
Been there! Don't I know it... sadly, my little "commentary", I know, will only be appreciated by our fabulous female forum! ;)
To quote Sueala: 100 ha ha's very funny thread, we just don't know where its going.
Rick ... your forces have been infiltrated by the clones for years now ... you are actually calling in more clones .... :D
:bustagut: :bustagut: dv8_fx ... nice one .... you don't think it will be that easy do you?? ... due Mister Blinkey's incredible ability to resize (and resize again), his aqua-dynamic pixelised conformation and his fantastic speed (many thousands of gigabytes per millisecond[slick]) .... he has survived again (loud cheers from the guru crew? [stuned] )
That looks great Namvet :righton: :righton:

How can we ever fight a talent like you [confused]
:bustagut: :bustagut: dv8_fx ... nice one .... but you don't think it will be that easy do you?? ... due to Mister Blinkey's incredible ability to resize (and resize again), his aqua-dynamic pixelised conformation and his fantastic speed (many thousands of gigabytes per millisecond[slick]) .... he has survived again (loud cheers from the guru crew? [stuned] )
Great animation Namvet :righton:

One but....we flushed him remember...so where does this one come from [innocent]

I think we need an explanation [slick]
Gauss, haven't you heard the alligator stories? You flush him as a little guy and 10 years later some monstrous 50 footer emerges to wreak havok upon the poor unsuspecting people who disposed of him so long ago...


Knowing this Mr. Blinkey's reputation around here, maybe he was in his element when he was flushed? Don't turds float? Ohhh I shouldn't have gone there... [innocent]
thanks Gaussian ... hmm[confused] ... thought I had explained that .... he resized to fit the down pipe from the cistern and then with the advantage of his aqua-dynamic pixelised conformation and his fantastic speed (many thousands of gigabytes per millisecond) he defeated the vortex trying to suck him down and successfully 'swam' against the downward pressure of the in coming water and travelled up the cistern pipe to emerge inside the cistern and resize again .... voila .... "Mister Blinkey emerges triumphant" ....... :D :D .... however there is one more task for him to complete as you will see below ......[excited]
UK ... Mister Blinkey is absolutely mortified :shocked: that you would use the "T" word when refering to him :bustagut: :bustagut:
ha ha ha what a technical explinaton (sp?) and floating turds to top it off eeeeeeuuuuuuuuuu don't think I want tea now ha ha ha
:bustagut: Great animations and, once again, imagination, namvet! ;) Is that Vee's avatar that I see being flushed down the toilet? Oh, poor Vee...

UK ... Mister Blinkey is absolutely mortified that you would use the "T" word when refering to him
namvet, if Mr.B is reading your mail...maybe HE should reply? [:I I think we'd all like to hear what Mr.B has to say! :bustagut: Wouldn't you, UK?
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