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Painting in progress

Interesting choice of colors. Very metallic, kind of threatening. Might make a good Halloween back-drop!

JK. Nice painting; I can see your background in painting. The only spot that bothers me a bit is the misty mountain area on the right. It isn't convincing, sort of seems too nebulous to me. Or something.

Edit: Actually, I meant left, ( dyslexia showing) but both sides are a bit off to me.
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Not too bad of a start, but I think I get what Claire is saying about the misty, er, mountain area.

Practice, practice, practice.
Thanks all.. The misty areas are just part of the color back ground i started to paint in at the beginning before adding the mountains, I have sine posting this done some color adjustments, gradient over lays, curves and brightness and contrast, all subtle adjustments but has made a difference, the idea at the beginning is another world landscape, hence the colors.

Lots more to do yet and more detail to add... i never thought doing something like this would be so intense and have to revert to so many reference images, but now having a tablet its made life so much easier.

Thank you.
Hey Inky, I'll throw in my usual.................It's too dark. (Broken record)

I love what you've done with the landscape, it seems to be painted very well, now if I could only see it through the muddy darkness.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt since this is a WIP, that you will brighten that foreground considerably adding the much needed contrast!
I love it inky! Really. The colors are great. I actually think a happy medium is between yours and Chad's, closer to yors cause I like a bit dark. Don't change your sky - IMO.
