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Outline with transparent background from photo

Depends on what you want the final image to look like.

Here's a quick Pen Tool drawing.
I just add a new layer above the dog layer and use the Pen Tool to make selections that I filled with black.

Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 11.53.56 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-01-23 at 11.54.08 PM.png

You can make it as simple or as elaborate as you like.
Screen Shot 2017-01-24 at 9.58.13 AM.png
Oh wow that is so awesome IamSam thanks....I havent used the pen tool before but must look into it as this is exactly what I am after as I found using the quick selection tool didnt give the straight edges - so in the image above, did you select all those areas separately with the pen tool and fill with black or white as you went? Would be great if you could give me step by step what you did please? That image you posted is great and i want to try and be able to do this and maybe have the opposite ie black outline with white fill.....i assume this can be done on a transparent layer so it can be printed on whatever colour

Big thanks to you and gedstar - I really do appreciate your awesome help - thank you so much
Hi Sue

If you haven't used the Pen Tool before it can be a bit difficult to get the hang of at first and would be worth practicing on, once you get the hang of it you'll never look back!
Here's a good tutorial to get you started

Here's some more posted by Sam
Video Tutorials on the Pen Tool:




Written Tutorials on the Pen Tool:




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thanks gedstar and Sam I will take a look at these tutorials - seems like an awesome tool !!!! am excited to try and learn this....
Can i ask Sam how long those took you to do...been looking at the tutorial info sent on using pen tool - very technical and still fiddling with it - practise makes perfect i guess LOL
Can i ask Sam how long those took you to do...been looking at the tutorial info sent on using pen tool - very technical and still fiddling with it - practise makes perfect i guess LOL
Well...............I have had many years of experience using the Pen Tool!! It only took me about 2 minutes to do the example I provided above! If I were actually doing this as a project, I would have slowed down and taken my time and I would have saved each path so that I could make changes later if needed.

The Pen Tool is a challenge to learn, but it's the most versatile tool in the inventory and I think it's essential that newbies learn at least the basics of it's use.
