CL, you're just too young to be getting discouraged. Maybe you should retain your interest and continue to PS your anime for yourself, but see if there is some other means of creating that works better for you and doesn't give you such a hard time.
But, big but, if this is what you want, don't give up. Start with some of the boring basics and it will make your journey so much better. There is no way you will be able to produce the kind of things you see posted here just because you want to make them. I say this all the time now. The 3 Ps of PS are practice (can't say that enough), patience (maybe most important), and passion. In your case I would add, wild abandon! Just let go of that self-conscious, self-limiting, self-flagellating, fatalistic attitude and love what you're doing; have the fun you want. Hey, you've done me a favor. I now get to add an honorary 4th "p" to my 3 Ps: phun!
Have "phaith" (that list just keeps growing) and don't let old records play in your head (that's 6 now, "play"), don't let anybody tell you you can't do what you want to do. Productive play in Photoshop is what you need. When you get frustrated, go yell at your mom, dance to your favorite music, go rollerblading or bicycling, pull some weeds, visit an art musuem, read a good book, sing at the top of your lungs with the music blasting, play a tuba, and don't yell at your mom.
Like I said, work some more and keep posting.