I am sorry if I have offended you or anyone else. Literally, for the past 2 days I have done nothing but comb the internet and photoshop forums for an answer as to why I can't seem to get a gray artboard upon launch. I downloaded this program from adobe and used an adobe key to activate it. Everything seems to work as it should with the exception of this one thing. I have spent way to much time trying to solve this mystery, to the point of seeking alternatives like pixlr or gimp. This is not the first time I have encountered problems with adobe products and probably not the last.
I do appreciate you and everyone else trying to help, but I have tried everything that was suggested already. I guess I should have communicated that better.
I am sorry again for my terse replies...just extremely frustrated and pissed off at adobe. Please accept my apologies.
I do appreciate you and everyone else trying to help, but I have tried everything that was suggested already. I guess I should have communicated that better.
I am sorry again for my terse replies...just extremely frustrated and pissed off at adobe. Please accept my apologies.