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New Member here...examples of my work...


Below are some images of something I created four years ago. This was actually made as a birthday gift for a friend. The wood grain was taken from a photo of my old studio bathroom door. I painted the woodgrain on it...
Many of the elements were found online or from photos I took. The nails, tape, pins, etc were created in PS as was the red string, which is in almost all of my work.



He was. And I printed it on my old Roland HiFi Jet. Probably about 16 x 20 or something around there. It was several years ago. Thanks!
OK, since it's old I will leave it well enough alone. Why did you post something so old? Why not post something more current that might better represent you skill level now?
OK, since it's old I will leave it well enough alone. Why did you post something so old? Why not post something more current that might better represent you skill level now?

Hmmm, good question. I suppose I posted this one because I created it for me, even though it was a gift for a friend. In other words, it wasn't commissioned work, and that's mostly what I do. Also, and I hate to admit this, sometimes, with work like I posted, I'll be inspired 'just in the knick of time' as they say. In other words, at the last minute. So I sometimes tend to rush to 'get it done'. And that means that the final results aren't always as 'perfect' as when a client is sort of looking over my shoulder.

On the other hand, I can do what I want. So in the case of this piece, I had originally intended it to actually 'look' a little more painted, as opposed to a perfectly rendered realistic piece. That's why the large speakers look 'bumpy'. But I left many of the other elements too photo realistic...a result of my propensity for doing things at the last minute:-)

Anyway, the latest stuff I've worked on isn't quite as interesting, but I can post it...not sure if I should start a new thread, or post here? It was a job for an event planner where I took their mostly bad photos and created tear sheets. It entailed removing backgrounds, changing heads, etc:-)
I'm interested too on some of your most recent work. It is also good to see what experience and progression you have made over the years.
