heres another one , logo is a form of a protection symbol , adapted from the symbol "kahuna arancio" i havent perfected it yet , id like to angle the ecurity text in the actual symbol forward more but im not sure how , can someone point me in the right direction here please, how do you draw a straight line with the ruler tool , as soon as i select pen or pencil it dissapears , be very handy tool for logo if i could draw a straigt line, ive added it to the square badge for fun as i like the key badge , it would make a greatsticker too , or wrap around a coffee cup obviously the shield can be any color combination using the colors you chose , theres a million possibilities ,hope you like the logo , if you do ill practice more with the rulers and angles and get it right, but you get the idea
i actually went back and straigtened the text in the logo and it looks fine now , let me know if you want more work done on it , different color combinations etc