To be honest, I'm getting a little tired of trying to answer your requests using only the native tools built into Photoshop. This takes too much of my time. So, to speed up things, for the 2nd pair of images in your most recent posting, I turned to a commercial plugin, NIK Color Efx Pro, specifically, the Bleach Bypass module.
Just one application of the Bleach Bypass module in NIK CEP got the overall look reasonably close, except for the red shirt. I didn't feel like spending a lot of time on this, but a quick application of a hue/saturation adjustment layer to only the shirt brought this as close as I felt like doing.
One of the problems in doing an exact match is the small size and quality (ie, compressed JPGs) of the images that you supply. Processing such images always exaggerates noise and artifacts, so try to ignore these.
To demonstrate my suggested approach efx, I scaled and cropped the "original" to roughly match up with the "goal" image. I then constructed a GIF animation of the "original", my processed version of it, and the "goal" image.
Spend some more time tweaking it, and I'm sure you could get even closer, but using Bleach Bypass in NIK CEP is certainly a reasonable way to start point.