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my first work here!

Not sure where you was going with this. I can understand the plane, clouds and the view. The color and background kind of throw me off. Maybe it was at sunset or I don't know. Also the font and the pattern in the font is a bit off. I do see potential, hope to see more work from you.
Agree with hershy314 there... except for one thing, if the main image ( the plane etc ) is done by you, then i think that's a really nice piece of art including the color , However i would remove the emboss effect, it doesn't give it justice. if you want a frame, put the art behind the frame and not on top of it as you have it here. if you want the art on top of a frame and you want realism then there has to be something that holds the art to the background, say some round metal studs.screws, or some sort of wires holding it up etc.
@hershy - yeah i wasn't sure on the background but it felt like it was missing something so i decided to experiment. as for the font, i think you're probably right. i'll have to try out another next time and see if i can find something better.

@inkpad - i night have to try out that frame idea sometime
Hi Jenny, I agree with Hershey and Inky. I would suggest just the image of the plane and no BG, text, frame, or layer style effects (bevel) at all.

I would like to see the before image of the plane to see what you did to just that image.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the spelling error. Or was that intentional and I'm just not getting it?
LOL on the spelling. I think we didn't notice it in looking over the rest of the image. Except spruce wondered about the J but not the loss of an A.

BTW, we call it critique,not criticism. We are all learning and want feedback. We don't want comments like, "your picture blows." You know and mean comments like that.

I agree about the text. It is a mistake often made by people learning graphics. The effects can be distracting and out of character with the main image.

If you want to play with these, I would do so in documents devoted to experiment with text and text effects only.

The frame is also out of character and just doesn't "go" with the lovely image of the plane. I personally like the reddish color you use. It would be good to see your source image(s). If you are just using a hue/sat adjustment, then you must be a beginner. But your sense of composition is not bad. If you really want to use text and frames, keep them very simple. I think in this case, a basic sans-serif font like arial or verdana would be appropriate. No effects at all. As for border, you could just you layer fx with an inside border. Other than that, the applications of the fancy stuff is too funky as the image is more formal.
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