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Matching perspectives between photos


Photoshop newbie here... I have two photos of me playing cello taken from slightly different angles; one shows the whole instrument, and the other just the upper half. I want to take the bottom of the one image and combine it with the top of the other so that both show the whole cello, but am having trouble matching the perspectives... I was trying to free transform the one image to match the other but am having trouble getting it to look right. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Sure, here they are (I changed the levels to make it easier to see what I'm talking about it)... I'd like to overlay the bottom of the full shot onto the other one

The seats are in a different position, and so are your legs. The cello can be matched up, but everything else is out, as well as the lighting. Could you not just retake the picture? Some people put bits of take on the floor to help with continuity.
Puppet warp and liquify, some smudge work a little light and colour blending (bit more to do but you get the idea).

Transform, Warp, Layer Masks, Clone Tool, Pen Tool, filters, curves adjustment layer, Smudge Tool, Blur Tool, and Gradient Tool.

Still needs more work like shadows! (I got tired of messing with it) A very complicated edit.

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Wow, thanks all for the responses-these look good and with some tweaking I think I can get mine in the same ballpark!
Excellent work Sprucy! You have way too much time on your hands!
I wish I had too much time, I have insomnia! I have to go to work in 2 and a half hours. :cry:

It's just a case of using the clone stamp tool and the healing brush tool, and having a lot of patience. Adding new shadows to match existing ones and replicating highlights.
well, here's my version... thanks all for your help! (ignore the unfinished floor/wall, still have to do that part hehe)

