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Specific Making someone shorter

Perhaps I have completely misunderstood the request. I thought the goal was to make the man appear to be about 1.5 feet tall. I guess, we'll see what happens when the OP returns.
This is pretty much perfect except for something on the woman's right hip :)
Somehow it fooled my eye into thinking it was her hand. But it wasn't! I repaired her hip, edited her feet to the original, and placed some additional shadow under the man's feet., and a few other small touchups.If I haven't edited it to your satisfaction, please let me know and I'll be happy to make additional edits. :)

waterside REV.jpg
Somehow it fooled my eye into thinking it was her hand. But it wasn't! I repaired her hip, edited her feet to the original, and placed some additional shadow under the man's feet., and a few other small touchups.If I haven't edited it to your satisfaction, please let me know and I'll be happy to make additional edits. :)

View attachment 147441
Pretty much perfect, thank you!
The job was on my screen for a few days now, and my understanding of the task was to make the man 1.5 feet tall. I assumed the girl to be around 4 ft, so he would be below her hip height.
Just as I post this submission, I notice that my reading of the requirement is different.
I will see if I can revisit and make changes later.
