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Magic moment

its depend on your interest, well you are very good designer keep posting :thumbsup:.

good luck.
Oh Cindy, so lush . . . I want to be that little girl all cuddled up! It isn't just your ideas, the composition, the staging; it's also that you have the skill and the eye to mesh them together and bring them into another dimension with color and texture and what I think can only be called passion!
Cindy, I visited your 2008 work. Your images now are more sophisticated in a way and much more ethereal, but you've always had it: a good eye and a great vision.
Aww ibclare! Thank you so very very much for your kind comment on my work.
Yes you are right, its a lots of potion passion when I do my artwork. And I love do art with children together with animals. It makes me warm inside. I will create a wonderful world for them.

Thank you so very much!

Oh Cindy, so lush . . . I want to be that little girl all cuddled up! It isn't just your ideas, the composition, the staging; it's also that you have the skill and the eye to mesh them together and bring them into another dimension with color and texture and what I think can only be called passion!
