There's never been any point to any of it. What is real and what is an illusion? And what is truth? Have fun with all of it!
Just live. "Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think!"

"Don't worry, be happy!"
"It won't make any difference."
In the tradition of false prophets everywhere I'll have some fun making "false predictions".....let's see, what I "see" is things will not come to any sort of abupt end by the magic year of 2012 or 2015 or even 2038... etc. (People will not be able to physically travel back in time...sorry folks, that stays in the lab on just a particle level, time doesn't really exist like we think of it and things that apply at the particle level don't apply in the same way to us.....smoke and mirrors

) Just more pollution, more fighting off and on, people still wanting more money more time and more stuff. More science mistakes as well as some beneficial discoveries...but basically pretty much "business as usual." Money makes the world go 'round...that won't change. Natural disasters come and go as they always have...earthquakes, bad weather, volcanic eruptions, the west coast of North American won't be flooded away, and at some point there's a rock out in space with our name on it that will temporarily slow the rate of "progress" at some point, be devastating where it hits....but we'll be eager to get back on that track in spite of things, and continue right on into an even more technological future. There will be a manned moon base. We will become part "machine" gradually. The children of every generation will not care of what things were like at an earlier time, nor will they really care to "go back" to any such ways....they only know the "now" and so things will continue as ever they have with children "used to" and accepting things their parents never could have imagined would be possible...even less freedoms and more govt. interference in everyone's lives. The doomsdayers will keep claiming the world is about to end as we know it....and the only way they are right is that in every second our existence is over, until the next, and it's all about change. Even if we were nuked back to a stoneage existence we would endeavor to put it all right back pretty much as it was before that, making the same mistakes as before, we don't learn from history we just repeat it because of human nature.
If we aren't supposed to learn anything while here then I'd say we've been pretty successful!

Hells bells! Class dismissed.