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Logo made in Photoshop needs a outline file for printing as vinyl sticker


Hi all!

Nice to see a sweet and big community like this on the web! I'm Tijmen van Binsbergen from the Netherlands, 29 years old. I like to do some freelance Photoshop projects once in a while. Lasts months has been more :)

Now i made a logo for a restaurant which they want to print as a vinyl sticker for on their windows. I send this logo to the printing company, but they asked me for a seperate outline-file, because the sticker will be contoured cut around the logo. But in Photoshop i cannot seem to find a method to make a outline file.... :(

Can someone please explain me how i can do this in Photoshop?
Thanks and greetz,

Hello Tijmen...

I usually send an unflattened psd file with an extra layer that contains the outline of the logo or text.

Simply select the entire logo and on a new layer, apply STROKE Command of 2 pixel on the inside of the selection in black.

Hope this helps
are you looking for something like this, but there is a small problem you will get a white border around the logo, i am working on it though
EDIT: You would have to look closely to see the black border
1 Merge all you layer except background to one layer with cntrl+alt+shift+E or option instead on mac.
2 Create a new layer
3 Cntrl click your "merged layer"
4 Go to Edit>fill>black
5 delete old layers and save your file for an outline.
Hi tijmen, Welcome to PSG forum.

If you are still having questions after the help above, post your image so we can see what you're working with. You can see from Stic9 and Abdul's examples that you need a transparent background for your image. That is key.
Here's my image in the attachment as well as a PDF which the printing company send me (in Dutch, but the images will explain what they need) about the outline-file... All your help is much appreciated, though i still don't know what will be the best solution for this...?


I have made a psd with two outline layers you can select either one and save it as PNG or give it directly to the printing company.

How i did it is i made a selection of the logo by holding ctrl and clicking on the layer icon in the layers pallet. then press ctrl+shift+i to invert the selection, then go to select>modify>contract and contract the selection according my need, the press ctrl+shift+i again to invert the selection again and fill it with black on a new layer.

instead of doing the invert twice i should have done an expand command but thats how you learn. ;)


Thank you all for the fast replies and good help! Finally the printing company told me they want this outline file to be a vector? How to make this, I don't know. Can someone please help me out with this?
