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Lines with arrows on Artboard

Were you using the Line Tool to pull the lines? I see you did for the example! But was the same tool performing like you describe?

Were you using one artboard or multiples?
I don't know what Artboards are, so I apologize if I'm butting-in and adding confusion. But I do know one way to make a line wrap as if it's two lines.

  • Draw a line on a new layer.
  • The line needs to start at one edge of your image and it needs to extend more than halfway across the full image.
  • The size of the empty gap, where the line does not reach the right edge, defines the eventual spacing of your wrapped line.

  • Go to Filter>Distort>Shear.
  • Make sure Wrap Around is selected.
  • If your line starts at the left edge, move the Shear curve all the way to the left (like below). If your line starts at the right, move the Shear curve all the way to the right.

I did not experiment with arrowheads. Just thinking out loud, my guess is that if your original line has arrowheads at both ends, you'll get the desired result.
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Works well on a regular doc, but does not seem to work with an Artboard.

Screen Shot 2024-07-05 at 1.16.36 PM.png

Screen Shot 2024-07-05 at 1.16.50 PM.png

After (shear)
Screen Shot 2024-07-05 at 1.18.58 PM.png

It turns out that my old CS5 does not have Artboard capability. Artboards came along a few years later. I read a bit about them and they seem to be an elaborate version of a clipping mask, where everything within an artboard is clipped to the artboard's boundaries.

Anyway, there's another Photoshop filter called Offset, which also allows you to wrap a line. If you have a few moments, could you check to see if Offset will work in an artboard?


Yes, it does work with "Offset"! Quite well I might add. I wonder if the OP was using a keyboard shortcut and an action that utilizes offset? I have keyboard shortcuts that trigger actions when adding lines to artwork. (Thanks @lemorris)

Screen Shot 2024-07-06 at 5.39.47 PM.png
my apologies for not getting back sooner, i haven't lost interest at all. ive been super busy at work and i forgot about checking my messages. again i apologize. so i opened up my photoshop and tried the suggestion of Rich54 and it worked perfectly. i also used the suggestion of IamSam and work great as well. thanks again guys..................
