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Let Photoshop find the center of your document

thanks sPECtre ... I hadn't bothered with actions, (hey I'm still on masks and channels and now a whole new "action" world has been opened up:D ) ... thanks for the help .. much appreciated :righton:

What i do for precisely placing my guides is use the
View/ New Guide you can enter a percentage unit like %50. (also looking at the info plaette when dragging) another benefit of this is that you can place guides without the rulers being showed.

Tip: use Alt (Option) to switch between Vertical and horizontal guide while dragging it from the rulers.

[saywhat] it is a threat that is not good for my ego :bustagut:

Hey, namvet, I was almost hypnotized by the black point on your avatar...

Look at it closely... yes, closely... you eyes are shutting off... have confidence in me... trust me... look a last time to navnet's avatar... close your eyes, and tell me your credit card number... :D

hey nice one, Ammar!!!:righton: I have to type 50% instead of %50... but it works!
we posted at the same minute, not good for the PPL that think that we are the same schyzophrenic person :bustagut:
Ammaro ... tried that, so simple, I'll remember that one :righton:
sPECtre .. hadn't noticed the black spot ... yawn, my cre .. credit .. card num[sleepy] ... number is ... [sleepy] ... is .. iiiss ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ............................
Thanks Ammaro! That's a new one for me... and so quick & simple! ;)
Thanks Guys.

Pierre, thats so cool posting at the same time. But in the name of god how did you managed this post counts in this period?[stuned] [stuned] you spammer you...

Wendy: That Canvas Center action for finding the center of an image works great and just in time too!

may be iam right

hi ...
i think its simple way to now the object center ..
ctr+T trasform command it creat 4 nodes around and after u used rulers guied on it.. may be word so confussing but i attach the image my be help u out

First post :)
My method is
Ctrl+A to select all
Ctrl+R to show rulers
that's it, now just drag the ruler and it will snap.

After finding the center, you can make another selection on one of the halfsides (the selection will snap to the midle ruler you just made).
Now you can drag out a second ruler to the midle of that selection, and voila, you made a ruler located at 25% of the document.

(In short, if you have made a selection with the markee tool the ruler will always try to snap to the midle of that selection).
Welcome aboard erikals :}
thanks for the tip :righton: always handy to have and share - ta :D
Welcome Erikal --Nice to have you join and pass along some tips. [excited] hope to see you around on the Threads.
If you are brave, you can post your picture on the fodder thread but read the first post to know the ground rules. Fodder thread is for teasing each other!

You might introduce yourself if you are not shy.

Hope you participate fully: Enjoy, learn and teach - the natives are friendly here. :}

Tallat -- So that's what those little center boxes are for?, Nice tip thanks! :} :} :} :}

Nice to see you here! Hope you have time to join some of our challenges you know how I enjoy your art.
:} :} :} :}
Welcome aboard erikals and thanks for sharing that tip! :)
Your all getting confused for nothing, look this is very simple.

Have your rulers out, then whenever you want to center an image, click on the background layer and drag guides to the center both vertical and horizontal, nothing else needed, then you click on whatever layer you were working on and just drag it to the center.
Seems like a lot of people are using some round-about methods of finding the center of objects.

Things to bear in mind:

1. If you have snapping turned on, guides snap to the center of the object on screen. If you have a layer filled with pixels or a background layer, you will get the center of the document. If you have an object, you will snap to the center of the object (no need to pull up the transform bounds). That little center reticle is actually for determining the origin of the transformation. If you slide that little reticle around, you will change where the trasformation occurs from.

2. When you create a new guide from the menu you can manually type in any units you want. The method of typing in 50% to get the center of the document was already mentioned. I built this into an action for myself and set it to an f-key right next to my gaussian blur function :)

3. If you need to center an object, you can snap it to guides by moving it until the center snaps into position. One nifty thing to remember about moving objects from document to document (this is often when I want something centered) is to hold the shift key while you drag the layer from one to the other, this will cause what you are dragging to appear in the center of your document rather than arbitrarily placing it based on your mouse position. Anyone familiar with Illustrator will also recognize the layer alignment options that have started appearing in Photoshop in the last couple of versions. If you click on your background layer or a layer filled with pixels, then link your object layer to that layer and click the align center horiz and align center vert (you even get buttons to do thi if you are using the move tool) it will align the layer to the center of the document.

4. Guides can always be repositioned to another area if you want to start snapping objects to another location after you've built them. Just move the guides and then slide the object until it snaps to the new origin point.

Hope that was helpful in some way. Like the sayin goes "There are a million ways to do a million things in Photoshop, and they're all correct." :) Carry on :righton:
AppleCider said:
The trick here is to be sure you have a layer filled with your foreground color (don't ask me why, but at least in PS 6 this only works with a layer completely filled with the foreground color) Then, with that layer active, activate your rulers. Be sure "Snap" is checked under the View menu. Drag a horizontal guide from the top ruler; it will snap to the center of the document. Do the same with a vertical guide; it will also snap to the center.

I dont get it [stuned] IS this suppose to be special? I've always been able to find the center of my document even without a later..... and i think everyone here should already know that you can do that [saywhat] [stuned]
