Let me be blunt: From your very first post when you asked for "an action or plugin", in other words, a miracle, one-button fix, it was obvious that you have only minimal experience with photoshop. You might be able to learn what you need to do this sort of work in weeks, or, more likely, months of intensive practice guided by an instructor, but as of right now, you are unqualified.
It sounds like someone (your boss, perhaps) gave you this assignment thinking that since you know something about photoshop, you'll be able to get it done. Unfortunately, your boss didn't realize that it can take years of daily, wide-ranging experience with PS before one can tackle some assignments. There are plenty of things I can't do in Photoshop, and I've been actively using the program since it first came out in the 1990's.
IMHO, in such a situation, the best thing to do is to have an honest, heart-to-heart talk with your boss. Tell him that you appreciate his confidence in you, but this is over your head, and if he really needs this work done for his business, he should contract the work out to someone who knows what they are doing.
Again, sorry to have to be so blunt, but this is a situation where honesty, not trying to "fake it" is the best policy.
Good luck,
Tom M