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Jack o lantern tutorial

Well here is my effort. I found my own pumpkin and I used the Dolphins logo as my carving. Doesn't look too bad. But I am happy with it. Also I did not use the smoke. I just thought that looked rather dumb. So I rendered some clouds and changed the layer style to soft light.
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I did follow the tutorial, but I have to say, a couple of points I lost my way, so.. here is my effort.

I didn't stick to the original grassy BG either, deciding to go with something different.

The Candy Corn text layer Style is my own work, but the skull pile is from Here.


I did learn a few things, the trick now is to remember it. :)
I just did my thing, the tut was very informative and any member can gain from viewing it, the idea of the video was to sow a seed and let you the shoppers grow from it.

lollerween.jpg I call it lollerween:mrgreen:
I believe he was just mimicking Paul's post
Not so weird, that happens a lot with members that have certain intentions...:mrgreen:
You did all that just by looking up into the mirror then down onto the pumpkin and cut up to the mirror down and cut to the pumpkin, nice chop iDAD:mrgreen:
Happy dulloween mate, personally i hate the holiday - more commercial than xmas now.
Yeah all the holidays have been stomped by cooperate greed, can't think of one that hasn't .... There's an idea for a thread for ya lol:mrgreen:
