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Inspiration Tips!!

What helps inspire you when starting a new project? I would like to see everyone join in, newbs, guru's whoever!!

So many things ever project is different that's what I like most about each one.If I see something I have never tried before,I'm inspired because I know it can be done, and I'll try until I get it right and all along learning in the process.
I know not much of an answer but ..it is what it is .... ;)
Good topic :)

When I do web design, I like looking at other designer's work and then trying to re-create parts of it... I usually end up changing things so much that my final result usually does not look much like whatever I was using for inspiration, but it just helps to get the ball rolling.
I tend to use a lot of things to help inspire me when i try to do my designs. My avatar was inspired by me opening my window and getting a big blast of cool air on my face, it reminded me that sometimes in life all you need to do is slow down and breathe, and then came my avatar. Other times i like to sit and just listen to different songs from my ipod or a play list, a lot of songs have a deeper meaning than just guns, drugs and misogyny in them (or at least mine do) and I like to go off a vibe i get from them. Others are just things i see in real life and make me go "wow, thats pretty cool." or when i see other designers work and think "i'd like to make something like that."

Inspiration can come from an infinite number of sources, just have to slow down and realize it when you find them.
Music certainly plays a huge role in any kind of artistic creation. I have found that i do a lot of the same things when creating and designing that i do while producing music. When you produce music, your outcome has come from some sort of inspiration of the type of music you listen to. I think the same applies with designing graphics. I would write out how i try and gather up some creative thoughts but Gauss pretty much covered what i do.. So pretty much, i vibe off of someone else's work that i like a lot.. I usually tend to find one little thing i like in a design and build around it... A lot like when i produce music, i will find a sample or sound i really like and build around that sample...

Then there are times when i will freestyle per se....
Music is the key for me i think it helps cut out other distractions and adds atmosphere to anything i do.
Pluss being new to design in a way looking up a tutorial usually gets me started and from there i end up with something totaly unique and interesting.
I'm with MAYH3M. It's really about brain wave frequency. Bring it down, using whatever method, to about 7.5 - 7.8 Hz, about the same frequency as the earth by the way, and you enter a more thoughtful and contemplative state, then the creativity is unleashed. You've probably heard the phrase "Let cooler minds prevail". That's why I prefer being paid by the project rather than by the hour. Productivity and creativity often work against each other. I've found a way to balance though...Also, it helps if there is a theme to the project.
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Music works fine for me. Before starting a new design i listen different styles so it helps me to create according to the beats, every song turns into a different history every time a listen to them. U also have to be comfortable in the place u r , it has to be 'your style' and help to unleash your ideas...
I'm with MAYH3M. It's really about brain wave frequency. Bring it down, using whatever method, to about 7.5 - 7.8 Hz, about the same frequency as the earth by the way, and you enter a more thoughtful and contemplative state, then the creativity is unleashed. You've probably heard the phrase "Let cooler minds prevail". That's why I prefer being paid by the project rather than by the hour. Productivity and creativity often work against each other. I've found a way to balance though...Also, it helps if there is a theme to the project.

Sounds like somebody is in tune!! Glad im not alone in this world!!
Try Hemi-sync technology. Google 'The Monroe Institute'(For sound waves/alternate states of consciousness)

'Alex Grey'
'Salvia art'
'H.R. Giger'
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I get inspiration from things all over the place. I find the best inspiration not from other design websites or designers, but from looking at things that aren't necessarily related to the design field.

A lot of the Photoshop styles I create come from nature or just looking at what is around me.
It might sound stupid. But when I am stuck somewhere I just move my hands around the screen. Usually trying to figure out what's wrong.

But most importantly, when I don't have any inspiration, I don't do anything, as it ends up horrible most of the time. But I find that most of my inspiration comes by walking around the place instead of sitting in front of your screen/canvas/notebook. The pressure is sometimes what blocks you up, so relaxing is important.
I am inspired by the interests of my clients. I require them to fill out a form which they right down what kind of music like, sports, activities hobbies and interest. I find fun and challenging to give the customer a product based of their views interests instead of just giving them something with mostly my likings.
Interesting idea to have your clients provide that info Pinhead186, I might have to try that some time :)
i hear relaxing song like "Sigur Ros" ..... it makes me feel save.... and relax.....free my mind.....

i also like to design in the morning ...quiet environment good for me.
HAHA!! Well, i like both, late nights and morning to be honest... Some times i can't sleep and will wake up in the middle of the night early in the AM and work on stuff..
Music is definitely the biggest part of my inspiration, but I also try to look at other peoples work as much as I can to see different ways of doing things and then try to make something similar to it, but not copy it.
As I am an amateur Photographer "-MAYH3M-" Avatar is the kind of thing that inspires me, as I love Landscapes, the Avatar made me way to go and shot some pics, (alas I can't) but it did the trick, and now I have to find some time to do some :)
