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Specific I need a newly hired team member photoshopped into a photo please!!


New Member
My dental team and I are attending a CE course in Vegas this month and one of my team members suggested we get matching shirts, which I thought was a fun and great idea! I would like to make matching shirts but there are two problems.

Frist, I have no idea how to photoshop pictures. Secondly, I just hired a new team member and would like her in a group picture which unfortunately we do not have.

This is the photo of myself and my team and the picture that I would like my newly hired employee to be apart of. First time posting here so please advise if more info different picture format etc... are required. Thank you so much for your time and help! Have a great fourth of July everyone!

r/PhotoshopRequest - Please help if you can. I need a newly hired team member photoshopped into a photo please!! Do it for America
r/PhotoshopRequest - Please help if you can. I need a newly hired team member photoshopped into a photo please!! Do it for America
r/PhotoshopRequest - Please help if you can. I need a newly hired team member photoshopped into a photo please!! Do it for America
This is absolute fire than you so much Argos and Babine! I really appreciate both of them! tough choice for my team and I to vote on.
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