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How to separate text from the background

From the channels palette duplicate the channel with the most contrast, in this case red. Adjust the levels to make it black and white. Ctrl+click the channel to make a selection.
Thank you for telling me what to do.

Once I have the copy of the red channel selected (CTRL + click on the channel) what should I do to erase the background? Please, give me the details.

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You can do anything with the selection you wish, erase the background, invert it then make a new layer and fill, etc.
By holding CTRL key and clicking on the channel I am actually selecting the white areas in my channel representation of the picture. These white areas are the background in fact. Once the background is selected I choose Edit -> Cut from the main menu.
or just press delete if you want to just select the text go to menu bar choose >select>inverse then it will be the text you have selected not the background
Well, the problem is I cannot neither delete nor select inverse in the RGB channel as long as the alpha channel is present. I have to delete the alpha channel first than I can do whatever I want with my selection. Isn't that strange?

Sincerely yours,
John Smith
