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How to make this kind of effect in Photoshop ??

this the kind of thing your after.
here is a before and after i just did took 5 min(after i worked out how to do it)
Hmm, i think it could be something to do with effects in the visual effects bit on photoshop elements at the right. Possibly, if not there might be some sort of add-on for photoshop that does that?

So many ways to do that!
Why not ask Thomas Muselet. He does have a contact link........... then again
I have tried to ask him but he don't want to explain his technic.

iDad can you tell me a way to obtain a result like that ? It is not a simply HDR effect, there is a very nice play of light on her compositions.
I dont know how he did it, like I said why not ask Thomas Muselet, he has a link to contact him.
He does not wish to disclose his technical work, i have already contact him for that
so if anyone has an idea of ​​how to get a similar effect I'm interested. :)
To my eyes, here is a possible procedure:

He copies the original, makes a selection of the part he wants to manipulate, desaturates that selection, (or actually desats the entire image) hides the original full-color layer, makes new layers with desired color for selected part, fills with color, and changes the blend mode to color. Then perhaps he moves the full color layer to the top, unhides it and sets it to overlay (or some such blend mode) to add highlites back in, tinkers with the levels of this layer or with the opacity.

Just guessing. I like iDad's idea. Ask him. Not that he'll necessarily be willing to give up his trade secrets, lol.
I gave this a shot. I made it somewhat differently than I described above.

  • Leveled the original first and copied it
  • Selected the hat (I decided not to change this as I didn't think it would benefit from the desaturation)
  • Selected inverse, desaturated -- but not 100% --and increased the vibrance; used vibrance adjustment layer
  • Created a layer filled with 50% grey, set it to overlay, used dodge tool in the eyes and burn tool to increase a few shadows
  • My next steps may or may not have been helpful <shrug lol> created 2 copies of originals and moved both to top of layer stack. Set one to soft light, 30&, and the top one to overlay, 10%
  • I'd suggest if you need to do any sharpening that you use high pass and for background blur of course gaussian blur

And that's it. May not be the same but a reasonable facsimile . . . to me of course :mrgreen:
Hi Clotaire, I got the same problem with alt right click for resizing brushes, did you solve the problem?
Salut Clotaire, j'ai le même problème que toi avec alt clic droit et j'ai lancé avec les droits d'admin mais rien, tu aurais une solution maintenant ?
About Muselet, from what I saw, it's a kind of oily effect, like the former hyperrealist painters in the 70's. So it's mainly Filters>Blur>Surface Blur or Smart blur, up to you (note that you can use the high pass layer effect before or after blurring to increase details and a little gaussian blur to get rid of the halo around edges or fix the halo by mask or brush if you have time) so small details only disappear. For the 'over' highlights, use plastic wrap on selected areas with a blending mode like screen and the filter plastic wrap, very low opacity on this layer just to reach the oily effect on highlights which are most of the time on hyperrealist techniques a glazing layer of white mixed with a little of the opposite color of the shadows. Here, you may add a drop of orange or yellow in the white if your shadows are blue, some orange, pink if they are purple and so on... To get the weirdness in shadows you can select dark colors, create as many layers as you need and work on curves and contrast but to go faster I use apply image, soustraction, invert and scale between 1,4 to 1,6 and the distortion between 100 to 150 depending of the image. They are not the same everywhere, they are illogical so use a soft brush with the color of the shadows on a colorburn mode and a very low opacity, use a layer only for this work so you can fix the problems if any. It darkens the shadows where you want the color you want. There is also an outlines effect like a drawing effect in these photos, edges are more visible, apparent than for a real photo. Use a background copy layer and invert it, Filters>Minimum>between 1 to 3 px, blending mode to color dodge, black & white and lighten red and yellow especially in a face not to see small details, again it's up to you. Use this outlines layer with very low opacity in a blending mode like soft light depending of the result you want and have a mask to erase unwanted edges. Well, I didn't try, so it's just an idea, if I got time I will work on it and send you a sample. If you like it I'll give you the 'recipe' I used.
Welcome to the forum, Le Caire.

That's an impressive first post.....:cheesygrin:...

I'm sure Clotaire will appreciate your effort .

How about introducing yourself to the PSGurus community in the NEW MEMBER INTRODUCTION?
Hi Le Caire and thanks a lot for your message ! For the brush resizing option in Photoshop, i don't have another solution... In theory it will work normally when you launch it with admin rights. Have you unninstall/reisntall the software and retry ?

Thanks again for your explanations on the Thomas Muselet Technics !!! I am going to try it ! So can you reproduce it yourself and past me the PSD or a script file ???

Here you can see a preview/after of one of his work: http://thomas-muselet.com/user/files/Fiche 2 modifiée.pdf

Merci beaucoup ! :D
PS: Le Caire do you speak french ?
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It reminds me a lot of a really good photopgrapher Named Jill Greenberg
She made this sort of effect famous in using it with children crying etc Check her out

and then just look at her other work She is actually recording a full work shop dvd on taking the pictures and then post editing them .

For similar effects a Guy called Calvin Hollywood does very similar looking effects without the use of plugins well known for simplifying this. And he has several tutorial dvds unfortunately they are mainly in German but he has released a couple new 1s in English for Scott Kelby Training and another company
Check out his portfolio here also links to his tutorials etc
Ty dv8_fx, btw do you know how to bring back the shortcut alt right click that resize brushes? I'm a bit desperated with that! hahaha!
And thank you for your comment as I am a newbie here.
Le Caire, welcome to PSG.

I never looked as closely at those portraits as you did. Very interesting and involved process you describe. I would consider using the photo filter option instead of drops of color. I still don't find his techniques to be as "oily" or hyperrealistic as those in the links Hoogle provided, but I had trouble entering his site to see more examples. I like your idea of teh plastic wrap on low opacity and changed blend mode. I tried to use a vibrance adjustment and overlays but they didn't quite get that glow. For part of the process I think you could take iDad's idea of the HDR toning. Guess it depends on the effect you want but it can be used to attain some rather ghostly effects as well as hyperrealistic brilliant color.

If I ever find myself patient enough, I will give your process a go! Thanks for sharing.

Another artist worth looking at is Cindy Grundsten. Her work is lush and sensual and has that glowing effect: http://cindysart.weebly.com/index.html

I posted this same time as your tutorial post and almost missed it. That is a good tutorial. I will definitely try it. I have some pics of my nieces to work on. Thanks.
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