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How to make these globes? (Pls see picture)


Hi Folks,

I am studying PS and using the attached file to learn new techniques. The file is from Digital Art.org by Mark Sedgwick.

I am a bit stuck on how the blue semi transparent globes were made. I can get close, but I can't seem to get it right especially the white/pink highlight on each. I have tried making a brush, but it doesn't capture the multicolor aspects. I'll spare you the long list of things that didn't quite work that I have done.

Can anyone suggest the most efficient way to lay down dozens of these globes in different sizes, as the artist has done, while keeping the colors and semi transparent qualities?

Many thanks!:)


  • celestial-ikon-0271.jpg
    195.7 KB · Views: 11
Welcome, GPS.

Your on the right track actually with the pink/white hilite...... What I can suggest is use three brushes of different sizes each on it's own layers .... First layer - 30pixels - hot pink . 2nd layer - 27pixels - 100%white . 3rd layer - 20 pixels - 100%white. Group and play around with the opacity of layer 1 & 2.

Make copies of the group set to transform or change appearance/intensity.

Hope this helps...
Hi dv8,

Thanks for the quick reply! Ok I am trying to follow your thought.
Lets say I made the 3 brushes, plus I had the 4th underling layer of the blue semi transparent globe. So say that I am able to get one globe done perfectly. If I flatten those 4 layers down and make a brush out of the selection, when I go to apply the single resulting brush, its going to lose its colors and just be whatever the foreground color is won't it? Thats the dilemma I am in now. And if I don't use a brush, but rather copy and paste objects and transform them - well that could be done (I tried it) but seems grossly ineffective considering the number of copies and sizes I need.

I almost wonder if the artist used a 3d app for the globes, with the rest as a backdrop...?

Can you un-confuse me a bit more? :-) Thank you in advance.
OK thanks. I will keep playing with this. I was hoping for an easier method, but perhaps there isn't one. I may try the globes in Cinema 4d after creating the rest as a background, and rendering it all out together. Not sure if that's easier though....well, thanks again for weighing in!
if you want to cheat with the globes/ planets here is somewhere to get you started
Planet Universe Brushes
a set of planet brushes load them into photoshop select the planet you want the brush size colour opacity and 1 click hey presto you have a 3d looking planet in your image
and why stop there usually in these packs you get nebula/ constilations use a couple of them maybe add a smoke brush both on a new layer select gradient overlay get up to 6 colours in a gradient and before you know it you have a really cool space picture
but hey thats the 5 min cheating version but seriously using gradient overlays is a fantastic effect
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