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How to edit batches of similar photos of one "shoot"in CS4.

Guyz, ladyz...how to edit a whole group of shots in CS4.
Like 300 surfing shots at basically the same aperture, lens magnification...time of day. Of course, toss a bunch that have no punch...leaves several hundred files to be edited. At 3 frames per second, I am overwhelmed (but secretly loving my new Canon sports camera)
2.) most of my shots the surfer is "dead center" and in focus..but too far removed at 400mm even! So I painstakingly crop it up a bunch...surfers like to see their faces....is that me? or is that Kelly Slater! Then a "ton" of adjustments to each file....but....mostly the exact same edits??? go figure??? help help.
Here is an edited surf photo...painstakingly done, one by one.
A PS ACTION might work. Funny... I seldom , if ever , used that. I can help you create one but I'm outstation, away from my PS4 and stuck with a laptop on PS7.

iDad..... I C U there, man.... think you can help out? step 1.. create new layer with image... 2.... uhhhh, indulge.

PP... what edits do you usually do?
Take a typical image and record an action while you edit and save the action.
In Bridge select the images, go to Tools|Photoshop|Batch from the pull down menu.

Under Play:
Enter the name of the action you created.
I've done this before on a giant bunch of photos. No idea where I saved that in all my disks. I remember creating 6 actions - each with a specific size and edit I needed to do.
Dv8fx...I crop, usually wide and not too tall...no foreground or background...just at the top of the wave, then I look at contrast/brightness, toggle that. (here on the monterey Bay, we are shooting into the Sun or have harsh sidelight)...most of the time the wave puts the surfer in total shadow...so I am a huge fan of "shadow/highlights, of course it throws a huge color shift ...so I go back to saturation... a big fan of "sharpening", cuz again, in Santa Cruz, the surfer is in shadow...get face details...finally, the whole file is so tweaked that to make it look uniform *8 to 20 shot sequences at 3fps.... gotta make each file "look" the same ...hence the "batch" question.
Hey dude, thats what i'm talkin' about!! That's what I want.
I mean PS is soooo cool that you can "save" some really garbage shots....just need to be in focus...PS does the rest.
I will take the dudes best wave..... best shot and lighten the shi* out of it, then take it into posterization...makes the surfer look like his big move is in the air!!! cuz the lighter water goes white....go level 2 on posterization *rad.....go into text and make these big arcing "jello" letters *"eyedropper the text color off the lightened wave color.......of the surfers name and the "surf spot"then make the dvd cover print out on 5x7...paper cut it to fit the dvd crystal case....voila!
now about those "batch" tricks? Six actions would be about right.
Guyz..I'm nodding off...got to get up at 4:30 to go
read the Bible/go surfin'...see ya tomorrow ok?
OK . An action to crop at a certain size, with a few adjustment layers. and then some. ..... all of which can be edited for the final look. I'm sure that'll be easy for you to create. Steve gave the clues.....
Yeah Steve....I am old and slow,
soo....my mac does not wanna download off the camera into Bridge...it wants to go into "iphotos".... so 1st, i gotta figure out how to download into Bridge?
ps. Steve, I wanna load a pic like yer pelican pic....but it's weird... now "browse" for pic in psg attachment mgr?? It says you must have the pic "uploaded" 1st?
You've gone to File|Get Photos From Camera in Bridge and it doesn't work?
Import them any way you can, your just transferring them from the card to the computer, then open that folder in Bridge.

now "browse" for pic in psg attachment mgr??
Right, "Browse" (Navigate) to an image on your computer.

You should also have an option to enter a URL in another box.

From the site rules:
Maximum Resolution: 150px Wide / 250px Tall
The Smaller The Image Both In Resolution & File Size, The Faster People Will Be Able To Load It. Let's All Use Optimal Images. That Means No 3MB Animated GIF Files And No 1600x1200 Images That You Let Get Auto Re-Sized.

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