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Illustrator How to draw a simple heart, cloud, tree and laural in illustrator - Feedback

Okay thank you, i always make my own thumbnails so it looks better, so i guess i just need to wait until youtube register it. it is correct in my playlist so it should be the same anywhere else too :)
...it is correct in my playlist so it should be the same anywhere else too...
Well no, its actually wrong.

At the moment the POSTER image is WRONG for the video.....its taken from around 2:10.

This means that the current THUMBNAIL image taken from that poster image is wrong, it shows the 'Heart'....which is what you want but SHOULD be the current poster image....from the 2:10 mark.

As long as the video has the correct POSTER image it may take some time to filter the edit through......the THUMBNAIL image has to be created again from the edited poster image.....then everywhere that the thumbnail image is used has to be changed....it may take time to clear the YT cache of the old thumbnail.

Currently, the thumbnail image is of an earlier poster image which must have initially been correct, but now isn't......the thumbnail still stands as its not yet been updated to reflect the current, but incorrect, poster image.

Ya see? :biglaff:

The thumbnails will always be out of sync with the real poster image as updating doesn't happen that often.

You could, to speed things up, delete the video and re-upload it, uploading your poster image at the same time. This will 'force' YT to use the new poster image when it creates the thumbnail.

The only downside to this is that the video would have a different URL so you'd have to change that wherever you've used it.....like on here for instance.

Blame YT....it's rubbish now Google own it.

Who knew that the hardest part of making tutorials would be getting the correct thumbnail to show :rolleyes:

Update: I fixed it by changing the thumbnail back to a random one, then upload the custom one again with a different name.jpg than the first time to trick YT to think it is a different one :)
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